Impure is the dirt that must be cleared by every Muslim, to wash the affected object is unclean.
Various kinds of unclean:
A. Urine, human feces, and animals that are not halal meat, the scholars agreed. While manure eat halal meat, the law unclean according to Hanafi and Shafi'i, and Maliki and holy according to the Hanbali madhhab.
2. Madzyi, the sticky white water that comes out when someone is thinking about sex and the like.
3. Wadi, which is water that comes out after urinating.
4. Blood flow. While a few in-ma'fu. According to the Shafi'i madhhab blood of mosquitoes, ticks, and the like dima'fu if it is generally considered a little.
5. Dogs and pigs
6. Carcasses, except fish and locusts, and animals do not bleed flow.
Eliminate the odious
If there is unclean to the body, human clothing, or other, then it must be cleaned. If not visible, then it must be cleaned so that the strong suspicion unclean place has been cleaned. While the cleaning vessel ever licked a dog, must be washed seven times with one of them with dust.
While the dog with the human physical touch, do not require cleaning beyond the usual way of cleaning. Being unclean little that is not possible be avoided, legal forgiveness. Thus the law a little blood and vomit. Law also commuted the urine that have not been eating baby food, sprinkled with just enough water.
To do things that get washed kaifiat unclean. Will be discussed in advance that the impure is divided into three parts:
A. Unclean mugallazah (thick), which is unclean dog. Objects affected by this odious let washed seven times, one of whom let washed with water mixed with soil. Word of the Prophet:
طهور إناء أحدكم إذا ولغ فيه الكلب أن يغسله سبع مرات أولاهن بالتراب. رواه مسلم
"How to wash a person from your vessel when the dog licked, let washed seven times, one of them let mixed with soil. (H.R Muslim)
2. Unclean mukhoffafah (mild), for example, a boy urinating that has not been eating food other than breast milk lani. Wash this filthy subject matter that is sufficient to memercikan water on the thing, though it does not flow. As for peeing girls who have not ate nothing but milk, washed kaifiat let washed until the water flows over the subject matter was unclean and impure substances disappear and its properties, as washing the urine of adults.
إن أم قيس جاءت بإبن لها صغيرلم يأكل الطعام فأجلسه رسول الله صلى الله عليه و سلم فى حجره فبال عليه فدعا بماء فنضحه ولم يغسله. رواه الشيخان
"Verily, Umm Qais has been dating the Messenger of Allah and their baby son who has not been eating food other than breast milk. Arriving in front of the Prophet, he was a child seat in his lap, then he dikencinginya, then he asked for water, and then he splashed water in urine of boys, but he did not wash his piss ". (H.R Bukhari and Muslim)
Word of the Prophet:
يغسل من بول الجارية ويرش من بول غلام. رواه الترمذى
"Piss children - girls washed, and piss boys sprinkled (Tirmidhi)
Various kinds of unclean:
A. Urine, human feces, and animals that are not halal meat, the scholars agreed. While manure eat halal meat, the law unclean according to Hanafi and Shafi'i, and Maliki and holy according to the Hanbali madhhab.
2. Madzyi, the sticky white water that comes out when someone is thinking about sex and the like.
3. Wadi, which is water that comes out after urinating.
4. Blood flow. While a few in-ma'fu. According to the Shafi'i madhhab blood of mosquitoes, ticks, and the like dima'fu if it is generally considered a little.
5. Dogs and pigs
6. Carcasses, except fish and locusts, and animals do not bleed flow.
Eliminate the odious
If there is unclean to the body, human clothing, or other, then it must be cleaned. If not visible, then it must be cleaned so that the strong suspicion unclean place has been cleaned. While the cleaning vessel ever licked a dog, must be washed seven times with one of them with dust.
While the dog with the human physical touch, do not require cleaning beyond the usual way of cleaning. Being unclean little that is not possible be avoided, legal forgiveness. Thus the law a little blood and vomit. Law also commuted the urine that have not been eating baby food, sprinkled with just enough water.
To do things that get washed kaifiat unclean. Will be discussed in advance that the impure is divided into three parts:
A. Unclean mugallazah (thick), which is unclean dog. Objects affected by this odious let washed seven times, one of whom let washed with water mixed with soil. Word of the Prophet:
طهور إناء أحدكم إذا ولغ فيه الكلب أن يغسله سبع مرات أولاهن بالتراب. رواه مسلم
"How to wash a person from your vessel when the dog licked, let washed seven times, one of them let mixed with soil. (H.R Muslim)
2. Unclean mukhoffafah (mild), for example, a boy urinating that has not been eating food other than breast milk lani. Wash this filthy subject matter that is sufficient to memercikan water on the thing, though it does not flow. As for peeing girls who have not ate nothing but milk, washed kaifiat let washed until the water flows over the subject matter was unclean and impure substances disappear and its properties, as washing the urine of adults.
إن أم قيس جاءت بإبن لها صغيرلم يأكل الطعام فأجلسه رسول الله صلى الله عليه و سلم فى حجره فبال عليه فدعا بماء فنضحه ولم يغسله. رواه الشيخان
"Verily, Umm Qais has been dating the Messenger of Allah and their baby son who has not been eating food other than breast milk. Arriving in front of the Prophet, he was a child seat in his lap, then he dikencinginya, then he asked for water, and then he splashed water in urine of boys, but he did not wash his piss ". (H.R Bukhari and Muslim)
Word of the Prophet:
يغسل من بول الجارية ويرش من بول غلام. رواه الترمذى
"Piss children - girls washed, and piss boys sprinkled (Tirmidhi)
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