The most noble of human figures and most influential of all time performing live in the midst of the Arab countries at that time with great simplicity. Noble figure and leads his people never tired of this life with his beloved wife Khadijah r.ha in a simple house. Thesephotographs can be displayed.
The house is a photo of the Prophet and Khadija r.ha, where they both lived for 28 yearsOn top of these ruins the rest of the house drawing of the Prophet and Khadija r.ha acloser look.The picture above is the ruins of the entrance to the room in the house Apostle Saw Lady Khadija r.haAbove this is a place of ruins Picture of Lady Fatimah r.ha, the Prophet's favorite daughterwas born.The picture above is the remaining debris and Saw room Apostle Khadija r.haAbove is a picture of ruins of the sanctuary where the Prophet bershalat.The picture above is the tomb of Lady Khadija r.ha (large) and his son, Qasim (small) on the cornerNote:Most of the photos I got from the book: Umm Mu'minin, Khadijah bint Khuwaylid,al-Sayyida Fie Qalby Mushtafakarya DR. Muhammad Abdu Yamani has been translatedby penerbitPustaka IIMaN titled: Khadija Drama Eternal Love of the Prophet. The author is a former Minister of Information, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia.
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