A. Understanding Mandi (الغسل)
الغسل هوتعميم الجسد, وقد أمرنا الله بالغسل من الجنابة
Water bath is leveled throughout the body in order to eliminate large hadats.
Mandi comes from the word "al-ghuslu" which means the body wash or bath. The meaning of the term by a shower of Personality 'is leveled at the entire body of water emergency ranbut tip to toe with the intention according to the needs, possible to remove large or bath hadats sunnah. Madi is the notion of a bath for purification of large hadats.
Bath (ghusl), is the Personality, is the word "al guslu" Masdar is isim of إغتسل - يغتسل which means bath. And hukmul junub are the laws pertaining to the people who berjunub. Nature of the bath water is poured on the limbs. (Muhammad, nd: 234)
Al-Ghaslu الغسل تعميم البدن بالماء means the whole body wet with water proof:
1) The Word of God Almighty:
"If you are in a state junub then bersucilah" (al-Maidah: 6)
3) Word of God Almighty:
"They ask you about menstruation blood, saying that the blood of menstruation is dirty, then stay away from women's menstruation you should not approach them until they are holy." (Al-Baqoroh: 222)
Of some terms in the bath or Al ghuslu is leveled at the entire body of water to thaharah.
B. Sort - sort of Bath
Based on the above understanding baths, the bath can be divided into:
a. Ghusl
The meaning here is to drain the water bathing the whole body with intention. The causes must have five bathrooms, three of which are common in men and women, and two more specific to women only.
1) intercourse or no semen came out either
2) Get out of sperm, either because of a dream or cause the release of another intentionally or not.
3) Menstruation
4) Ruling
5) Dead, dead people islam kifayah ats obligatory bathing Muslims who live except those who were martyred.
b. Bath circumcision
1) Mandi day Friday
2) Mandi Eid and Eid adha feast
3) Shower after bathing the corpse
4) Mandi had while being ihrom or umra (Rasjid, 2008: 35-38)
C. Hadiths about Mandi and Law Junub
- عن ابي سعيد الخدرى رضي الله تعالى عنه قال: قال رسول الله صلى الله عليه وسلم "الماء من الماء" رواه مسلم, وأصله فى البخارى
It means: "From Abu Sa'id Al khudriy berkara: Messenger of Allah said" the water from the water "(Muslim and Bukhari origin in shohih)
The purpose of the above hadith is mandatory due out cum shower. The word "water" the first is the famous water, while the "water" the second is seminal.
- وعن ابي هريرة رضي الله عنه قال: قال رسول الله صلى الله عليه وسلم "إذا جلس بين شعبهاالأربع, ثم جهدها, فقدوجب الغسل" متفق عليه.
Meaning: "from Abu Hurairah RA said: the prophet of Allah said: When a man sits among the four branches of women and he interfere, it was obliged to bathe him." (Muttafaq 'alaih).
The word "جهدها" that means hard work (have intercourse with her). This hadith explains that it is obligatory for the person bathing with his wife or even if not yet out of semen. Menasakhkan understand this hadith hadith "" الماء من الماء "above which no semen is not obliged to issue a bath. Qur'anic verse reinforces the obligation mantuq bath, as word: (Muhammad, nd: 234). Thus, the law now is that one out if semen or not, is still obliged to bathe janabat (Mahali, 2004: 212)
- وعن أنس رضي الله عنه قال: قال رسول الله صلى الله عليه وسلم "فى المرأة ترى فى منامها مايرى الرجل - قال تغتسل" متفق عليه.
It means: "From the talk that Anas: Allah's Apostle of Allah said about women who are dreaming the dream of men like his saying: obligatory upon him a bath" (muttafaq 'alaih)
The above hadith explains the obligations of a bath for women who spend their semen, either because the relationship of intercourse, dream or something else. Because women were having a dream out seminal AS experienced men.
- وعن عائشة رضي الله عنهاقالت: كان رسول الله صلى الله عليه وسلم يغتسل من أربع: من الجنابة, ويوم الجمعة, ومن الحجامة, ومن غسل الميت. رواه أبوداود, وصححه ابن خزيمة.
It means: "From 'A'ishah said: Messenger of Allah shower is usually due to four cases: because junub, on Friday, cupping and bathe the dead. (Reported by Abu Dawud and Ibn dishohihkan Khuzaimah). Hadith is a theorem that shows the existence of a bath for four terms.
- وعن عائشة رضي الله عنهاقالت: قال رسول الله صلى الله عليه وسلم "إنى لاأحل المسجد لحاءض ولا جنب" رواه أبوداود, وصححه ابن خزيمة.
It means: "From 'A'ishah, said: Messenger of Allah said: Surely I can not justify the mosque for people who are menstruating and those who junub"
Hadith as proof that the show should not be for women who are menstruating and junub into the mosque.
عن عائشة رضي الله عنها قالت: كان رسول الله صلى الله عليه وسلم إذا اغتسل من الجنابة يبدأ فيغسل يدين ثم يفرغ بيمينه على شماله فيغسل فرجه, ثم يتوضأ, ثم يأخذ الماء فيدخل اصابعه فى اصول الشعر ثم حفن على رأسه ثلاث حفنات ثم افاض على سائر جسده ثم غسل رجليه. (متفق عليه واللفظ لمسلم)
It means: "From 'A'ishah he said: It is the Messenger of Allah to perform ghusl, he started wiping his hands and then sprinkle (water) with a right to the left, then wiping his cock, then ablution, then he took water and then put his fingers into the base -base of the hair, then he would flush the spray head three times, then he poured all over his body and then wiping the two legs. "(Narrated Agreed alaih and lafzh in Muslim history).
Hadith contains a description of the ways junub bath.
Mandi Junub ways:
A. Intention in the heart
2. Read basmalah
3. Wash both hands three smooth
4. Clean his penis with his left hand
5. Cleaning the left hand
6. Wudoo 'perfectly
7. Interrupting nyelai hair evenly and flush the head three times
8. Flatten the whole body of water
9. Moved from its original spot, then wash both feet
10. Do not bathe in water that is flowing
Benefits of the bath, one of them is:
A. Bath that cleanses the body and makes clean as a Muslim to God in prayer
2. refresh your body and away from the odor-odor
الغسل هوتعميم الجسد, وقد أمرنا الله بالغسل من الجنابة
Water bath is leveled throughout the body in order to eliminate large hadats.
Mandi comes from the word "al-ghuslu" which means the body wash or bath. The meaning of the term by a shower of Personality 'is leveled at the entire body of water emergency ranbut tip to toe with the intention according to the needs, possible to remove large or bath hadats sunnah. Madi is the notion of a bath for purification of large hadats.
Bath (ghusl), is the Personality, is the word "al guslu" Masdar is isim of إغتسل - يغتسل which means bath. And hukmul junub are the laws pertaining to the people who berjunub. Nature of the bath water is poured on the limbs. (Muhammad, nd: 234)
Al-Ghaslu الغسل تعميم البدن بالماء means the whole body wet with water proof:
1) The Word of God Almighty:
"If you are in a state junub then bersucilah" (al-Maidah: 6)
3) Word of God Almighty:
"They ask you about menstruation blood, saying that the blood of menstruation is dirty, then stay away from women's menstruation you should not approach them until they are holy." (Al-Baqoroh: 222)
Of some terms in the bath or Al ghuslu is leveled at the entire body of water to thaharah.
B. Sort - sort of Bath
Based on the above understanding baths, the bath can be divided into:
a. Ghusl
The meaning here is to drain the water bathing the whole body with intention. The causes must have five bathrooms, three of which are common in men and women, and two more specific to women only.
1) intercourse or no semen came out either
2) Get out of sperm, either because of a dream or cause the release of another intentionally or not.
3) Menstruation
4) Ruling
5) Dead, dead people islam kifayah ats obligatory bathing Muslims who live except those who were martyred.
b. Bath circumcision
1) Mandi day Friday
2) Mandi Eid and Eid adha feast
3) Shower after bathing the corpse
4) Mandi had while being ihrom or umra (Rasjid, 2008: 35-38)
C. Hadiths about Mandi and Law Junub
- عن ابي سعيد الخدرى رضي الله تعالى عنه قال: قال رسول الله صلى الله عليه وسلم "الماء من الماء" رواه مسلم, وأصله فى البخارى
It means: "From Abu Sa'id Al khudriy berkara: Messenger of Allah said" the water from the water "(Muslim and Bukhari origin in shohih)
The purpose of the above hadith is mandatory due out cum shower. The word "water" the first is the famous water, while the "water" the second is seminal.
- وعن ابي هريرة رضي الله عنه قال: قال رسول الله صلى الله عليه وسلم "إذا جلس بين شعبهاالأربع, ثم جهدها, فقدوجب الغسل" متفق عليه.
Meaning: "from Abu Hurairah RA said: the prophet of Allah said: When a man sits among the four branches of women and he interfere, it was obliged to bathe him." (Muttafaq 'alaih).
The word "جهدها" that means hard work (have intercourse with her). This hadith explains that it is obligatory for the person bathing with his wife or even if not yet out of semen. Menasakhkan understand this hadith hadith "" الماء من الماء "above which no semen is not obliged to issue a bath. Qur'anic verse reinforces the obligation mantuq bath, as word: (Muhammad, nd: 234). Thus, the law now is that one out if semen or not, is still obliged to bathe janabat (Mahali, 2004: 212)
- وعن أنس رضي الله عنه قال: قال رسول الله صلى الله عليه وسلم "فى المرأة ترى فى منامها مايرى الرجل - قال تغتسل" متفق عليه.
It means: "From the talk that Anas: Allah's Apostle of Allah said about women who are dreaming the dream of men like his saying: obligatory upon him a bath" (muttafaq 'alaih)
The above hadith explains the obligations of a bath for women who spend their semen, either because the relationship of intercourse, dream or something else. Because women were having a dream out seminal AS experienced men.
- وعن عائشة رضي الله عنهاقالت: كان رسول الله صلى الله عليه وسلم يغتسل من أربع: من الجنابة, ويوم الجمعة, ومن الحجامة, ومن غسل الميت. رواه أبوداود, وصححه ابن خزيمة.
It means: "From 'A'ishah said: Messenger of Allah shower is usually due to four cases: because junub, on Friday, cupping and bathe the dead. (Reported by Abu Dawud and Ibn dishohihkan Khuzaimah). Hadith is a theorem that shows the existence of a bath for four terms.
- وعن عائشة رضي الله عنهاقالت: قال رسول الله صلى الله عليه وسلم "إنى لاأحل المسجد لحاءض ولا جنب" رواه أبوداود, وصححه ابن خزيمة.
It means: "From 'A'ishah, said: Messenger of Allah said: Surely I can not justify the mosque for people who are menstruating and those who junub"
Hadith as proof that the show should not be for women who are menstruating and junub into the mosque.
عن عائشة رضي الله عنها قالت: كان رسول الله صلى الله عليه وسلم إذا اغتسل من الجنابة يبدأ فيغسل يدين ثم يفرغ بيمينه على شماله فيغسل فرجه, ثم يتوضأ, ثم يأخذ الماء فيدخل اصابعه فى اصول الشعر ثم حفن على رأسه ثلاث حفنات ثم افاض على سائر جسده ثم غسل رجليه. (متفق عليه واللفظ لمسلم)
It means: "From 'A'ishah he said: It is the Messenger of Allah to perform ghusl, he started wiping his hands and then sprinkle (water) with a right to the left, then wiping his cock, then ablution, then he took water and then put his fingers into the base -base of the hair, then he would flush the spray head three times, then he poured all over his body and then wiping the two legs. "(Narrated Agreed alaih and lafzh in Muslim history).
Hadith contains a description of the ways junub bath.
Mandi Junub ways:
A. Intention in the heart
2. Read basmalah
3. Wash both hands three smooth
4. Clean his penis with his left hand
5. Cleaning the left hand
6. Wudoo 'perfectly
7. Interrupting nyelai hair evenly and flush the head three times
8. Flatten the whole body of water
9. Moved from its original spot, then wash both feet
10. Do not bathe in water that is flowing
Benefits of the bath, one of them is:
A. Bath that cleanses the body and makes clean as a Muslim to God in prayer
2. refresh your body and away from the odor-odor
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