Feb 13, 2012

Charity based on the true science is formed akhlakul karimah

Charity based on the true science is formed akhlakul karimah
 With those incited by instigation or ghazwul fikri (understanding of war) being waged by the Zionists Jews, so they understand the Quran and As Sunnah in their minds, giving rise to disputes among Muslims because of differences in understanding, in fact they are not directly has become an arm of the Zionist Jews to undermine ukhuwah Islamiyah.
 In a previous article on http://mutiarazuhud.wordpress.com/2012/02/02/potongan-perkataan-ulama/ described how they were provoked by a piece of the words of scholars.In the paper on http://mutiarazuhud.wordpress.com/2012/02/03/terhasut-pengalihan-makna/ described how they were provoked by the shifting meaning of the words of scholars.In the paper on http://mutiarazuhud.wordpress.com/2012/02/05/menyalah-maknakan-hadits/ described how they were provoked by the abuse of the meaning of the hadith.
 In the paper on http://mutiarazuhud.wordpress.com/2012/02/08/terhasut-pembatasan-makna/ described how they were provoked by limiting the meaning of the word of Allah ta'ala for example "sabilil mu'minin", "street people who believe "(Surat an-Nisa '[4]: 115) restricted to the Companions alone, or in other words they want to making it" imperative "to follow the salaf manhaj or school of the Salaf.
 Though the four-Imam School bertalaqqi (Koran) with Sholeh Salafush never deliver a "must" follow the salaf or school manhaj salaf. "Necessity" is simply obeying Allah ta'ala and His Messenger and obey obey obey ulil amri the Almighty and His Messenger.
 The Word of God Almighty, which means "O believers obey Allah and obey the Prophet and his ulil amri among you" (Surat an-Nisa ': 59)
 The purpose of ulil amri in the verse according to Ibn Abbas ra, as mentioned by Imam Thobari in his commentary is based on religious law experts and scholars are committed to the teachings of Islam.
 Obedience to the Prophet sallallaahu alayhi wasallam has followed essentially Salafush Sholeh.
 Neither followed the school of the four Imams who see a direct application, works as well as concrete examples of the way or manner of worship Salafush Sholeh has followed essentially Salafush Sholeh.
 Instead they are felt to follow Salafush Sholeh fact they are merely following the scholars who claim to follow but not bertalaqqi Salafush Sholeh (Koran) with Salafush Sholeh in other words they are in fact not follow Salafush Sholeh but follow the reasoning of the scholars they are alone.
 For example as described in the inscription on one of the scholars http://mutiarazuhud.wordpress.com/2012/02/08/mencegah-keji-mungkar/ how their peers can not "see" how to pray to prevent shameful and unjust deeds including deeds preventimmoral.
 If have been praying and have been qualified and harmonious prayer but still have the shameful and unjust deeds or immoral deeds there are two possible "failure" to prevent the prayer that is shameful and unjust deedsA. Science is understood by them on the terms and harmonious prayer is wrong because menyelisihi what is conveyed by the fourth Imam School have seen firsthand how the prayer Salafush Sholeh who follow the Messenger sallallaahu alaihi wasallam prayed.
 Prayers the way they follow their own minds their own learning outcomes (self-taught) through muthola'ah, reviewing the book.
 2. Charity no solemn prayer that does not make them Muslims or Muslim karimah berakhlakul Ihsan.
 The sequence is science -> charity -> character
 Based on the knowledge gained we carry out the charitable prayers, charity pray always done right and solemn form of good moral Muslim or berakhlakul karimah. Good moral Muslim is a Muslim charity
 There are two conditions are achieved by a Muslim or a Muslim charity that has been berma'rifat.Minimal condition is that they are always being watched by Allah Almighty.The best are those who Kondiri berma'rifat or those who can see the Allah Almighty to the liver (ain bashiroh)
 قال يا رسول الله ما الإحسان قال أن تخشى الله كأنك تراه فإنك إن لا تكن تراه فإنه يراكThen he asked again, 'O Messenger of Allah, whether it's good deeds? 'He replied,' You are afraid (takhsya / khasyyah) to Allah as if you see him (bermakrifat), then if you do not see Him then truly He sees you. "(Muslim 11)
 Imam Sayyidina Ali r.a. was once asked by a friend named Zi'lib Al-Yamani,"Have you ever seen God?"He replied, "What I did not worship that I've ever seen?""How do you see him?" He asked again.Sayyidina Ali ra said "He can not be seen by the human eye with a view of the plain, but it can be seen by the liver (bermakrifat)"
 A history of Ja'far bin Muhammad, he asked: "Do you see your Lord as you worship Him?" He replied: "I have seen the Lord, my new worship". How do you see Him? he replied: "Not seen by the eye that sees, but seen with a heart full of faith (bermakrifat)"
 The Prophet said "Faith is the most afdol when you know that God is always with you wherever you are." (Narrated Ath Thobari)
 For the true Muslim prayer and solemn it will reach the Ihsan Muslim, there will be minimal supervision beliefs of the Allah Almighty to all the attitudes and actions that will always seek to avoid the immoral deeds, avoiding shameful and unjust deeds and avoid any conduct which is hated by Allah Azza Exalted.
 Ihsan Muslim will achieve a pious Muslim Miminal (Sholihin) as proof of compliance to Allah Almighty and His Messenger so that together with four classes of human beings that get her all the other maqom
 Word of the Almighty, which means, "And those who adhere Allah and (His), they would be together with people who ni'mat endowed by God, namely: the prophets, the shiddiiqiin, the those who were martyred, and pious people. And those that are best friends. "(Surat an-Nisa [4]:
 The closer we are to God that it becomes his lover (Wali Allah). Maqom Shiddiqin or closeness to God is described in writing on http://mutiarazuhud.wordpress.com/2011/09/09/2011/09/28/maqom-wali-allah/
 Ihsan Muslim, they were Mahfouz (maintained) by the providence of God Almighty against pious people.
 Word of the Almighty, which means"... Had it not been for the grace of God and His mercy, surely none of you are clean (from shameful and unjust deeds) for ever, but the God who desired to clean ..." (Surat An-Nuur [24 ]: 21)
 Muslims are required by Allah Almighty are those who reach maqom side, the minimum is a pious Muslim.
 According to Al-Hakim al-Tirmidhi (205-320H / 820-935M), Muslims who get maqom his side until he reached al-awliya 'ishmah means Mahfouz (awake) of error according to the degree, level, and maqamat them. They get 'ishmah according to the ranking kewaliannya.
 The existence of maintenance, love, and God's help to al-awliya (saint) in such a way a manifestation of the meaning of al-walayah (sainthood) which means that close to God and feel His presence, hudhur ma'ahu bihi wa (his presence felt by Himself)
 Word of the Almighty, which means,"Verily, We have to purify them by (bestowing on them) are higher morals is always remind (men) the Hereafter". (Surah Sad [38]: 46)"They were, in the side of us, truly, the people the best option". (Surah Sad [38]: 47)
 In a hadith qudsi Allah ta'ala says, "if I loved him, then I am hearing that he made to hear, and his view that he made to look, and he made his hands to hit, and that maketh his feet to walk, if he ask me, would I give, and if asked for protection to Me, I must protect. And I do not hesitate to do something that I was alone as the culprit of my hesitation to take a life of a believer that it (fear) of death, and I myself worry about the pain he felt pain. "(Bukhari 6021)
 While those who perform their prayers, but keep doing immoral deeds or not realize the mistake they do is a testament to their lack of closeness to God Almighty.
 The Prophet said, "Whoever does not prevent prayer from shameful and unjust deeds, so he did not grow further and further away from God except Him"
​​(narrated by ath al-Kabir Thabarani the number 11 025, 11/46)
 Imam Al Bayhaqi mentions a tradition, that Imam Shafi'i once said, "I have been friends with the Sufis for ten years, I do not get from them except these two things," Time is a sword "and" Including infallibility, you can not afford "(meaning, the real man is more inclined to sin, but God's way, then humans are not able to do so, to avoid a vice).
 As the words of Imam Shafi'i ra Imam Al Bayhaqi delivered according to the word of Allah Almighty which means, "... Were it not for the grace of God and His mercy, surely none of you are clean (of indecency and unjust) for ever, but the God who desired to clean ... "(Surat An-Nuur: 21)
 God cleanse anyone who pleases, Allah prevented from shameful and unjust deeds, prevent him from immoral deeds, prevent him from error. This is Allah Almighty's guard against those who get maqom side. If they make a mistake then Allah Almighty hasten reproach so as to provide an opportunity for repentance reprimand a child not to step in the hereafter because of the errors as in the hereafter is to show lack of closeness with Allah Almighty
 Here's an example of Allah Subhanahu wa ta'ala maintenance of those pious
 Imam ash-Shafi'i said: 'I complained to Waqi' (his teacher) hafalanku bad, so he advised me to leave the evil. And he reported to me that science is a light, and light of Allaah is not given to the offender immoral ".
 After tracing the Imam ash Shafi'i (find out) why did he forget the recitation of the Qur'an (recitation of the Qur'an his stammer), apparently because he accidentally saw the calf of a woman who is not mahram exposed by the wind on the way he to the teacher.
 'Abdullah bin Mubarak Al-adh-Dhahak narrated from ibn Muzahim, that he said: "No one who studies Al-Qur` an and then he forgets, but because of sin that has been done.Because Allah Subhanahu wa Ta'ala says: ومآأصابكم من مصيبة فبما كسبت أيديكم ("And whatever of misfortune befalls you it is caused by what your hands have" (Surat ash-Shura [42]: 30) -. Really, forget to Al -Qur `an is the greatest calamity that * (. Fadha` ilul-Qur'an, Ibn Kathir, p. 147)
 That is the example they are loved by Allah Ta'ala and given the opportunity to realize their mistakes while still in the world.

 Yours respectfully

 Zon in Jonggol, Bogor District 16 830


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