Jun 17, 2012

History of prayer

Establish regular prayer, it is a duty prescribed time for the people who believe

- Qs. 4 an-Nisa ': 103-104

O ye who believe, Ruku 'and prostrate yourselves, worship your Lord, Be always good, so you get a victory - Qs. 22 al-hajj: 77

The term comes from the verb Prayer Shalaah (stating an action) and those who do it are called Mushallin, while the central point of doing so-called mosque.

Except for people who mushollin (who worked on prayer)

- Qs. 70 al-Ma'arij: 22

Make the most of the station of Ibrahim's mosque (place of prayer)

- Qs. 2 al-Baqarah: 125

Prayer is an act of glorifying God who became a sign of gratitude of the Muslims as a servant to the movement and readings that have been specially arranged by the Prophet Muhammad that should not be changed unless there are provisions that allow it [1].

Command prayer itself has to be introduced early on to younger generations in the future of Islam so that one day they no longer feel awkward, embarrassed or even can not do it.

Of Amer bin Shu'aib of his father from his grandfather, said:

Prophet said: 'Command your children to do the prayer when they were 7 years old and beat them if you do not do it when they were 10 years old'

- Hadith Reported by Ahmad and Abu Dawood

Command to establish family prayers, and be patient in doing it - Qs. 20 Ta-Ha: 132

From the Hadith we have that set up a prayer already stressed from age 7 years and up to the age of 10 years if not also do it then we should begin to be an affirmation of the blow until they want to build it. ; Of blows in question here is not the purpose of hurting let alone to the level of persecution, but simply to give instruction and warning to lazy and do not want to pray. Is not God's punishment paradoxically far more than just a blow hard that we provide in order to care for our children and protect them from the Wrath of God?

Take care of yourself from the day when someone can not defend other people, and today the slightest apology is not accepted and no ransom for him and they will not be helped

Qs. 2 al-Baqarah: 48

But the Koran is also the one hand does not explain in detail when and how the technical implementation of the prayers that were ordered to the Prophet Muhammad. Yet the Koran explicitly states that the prayer was done by earlier peoples, such as orders prayers to the Prophet Abraham and his descendants [2], to the Prophet Syu'aib [3], to the Prophet Moses [4] and to the Prophet Isa al-Masih [5]. Statement of the Koran is justified by the stories in the Old Testament and New Testament which tells the system how to worship the prophets before Muhammad is no standing, bowing and prostration that when strung together like prayer is a prayer of Muslims.

Moses immediately knelt to the ground, and worshiped

Old Testament - Exodus 34:8

Come, let us worship,

kneel before the Lord who made us.

Old Testament - Psalms 95:6

Joshua Then he bowed with his face to the ground, worshiped

Old Testament - Joshua 5:14

But Elijah climbed to the top of Mount Carmel, and he bowed to the ground,

with his face between his knees

Old Testament - the Book of I Kings 18:42

So Moses and Aaron went from the assembly to the door of the Tent of Meeting,

and prostrations. Then the glory of the Lord appeared to them.

Old Testament - the Book of Numbers 20:6

Then he distanced himself from them about the stone's cast away stones

then he knelt and prayed - New Testament - Luke 22:41

He advanced a little, lay down on the ground and prayed

- New Testament - the Gospel of Mark 14:35

From this fact, it was clear to Muslims that the prayer has become a tradition and teachings of the standard for all prophets and messengers of God throughout the ages, as saying:

As a condition of God that has prevailed since the first, though you will not find a change for GOD's provisions

- Qs. 48 al-fath: 23

The journey of the Prophet Muhammad on the space highway, known as the Isra 'and Mi'raj are told earlier ordered prayers to the Prophet Muhammad as found in several hadith is considered authentic or valid by some scholars as the logic it contains a lot of inconsistency with the facts of history and paragraph- verse of the Koran itself.

According to tradition, the Isra 'and Mi'raj occurred while Khadijah, the Prophet's first wife died, in which event it would become one of the entertainment for a new prophet abandoned by his beloved wife and also his uncle, Abu Talib where the year is called the year of mourning or aamul ilzan [6].

While history is also said that long before the Isra 'and Mi'raj, the Prophet Muhammad is believed to have done with Khadijjah as congregational prayer had ever seen and asked questions by Ali ibn abu Talib who was then still a teenager [7].

Logically prayer command has been received by the Prophet Muhammad was not at his Isra 'and Mi'raj, but long before that, let alone objectively verses of the Koran that tell about the events of Ascension does not mention about the existence of the commands given to the Prophet's Prayer. [8]; In both chapters the story only emphasizes the Prophet's journey in order to demonstrate some of the greatness of God's universe as well dialam was the second time the Prophet saw the original form of the angel Gabriel after he had first seen as a revelation in the cave of Hira.

Moreover, beyond the tradition of Isra 'and Mi'raj depicting the Prophet gained command in prayer these events, Imam Muslim narrated in a hadith musnadnya there another completely unrelated to the story but there Mi'raj Prophet explains how studying the prayer of the angel Gabriel .

Of Abu Mas'ud r.a. he said: Allah's Apostle said: Gabriel down, then he became a priest to me And I pray with him, then I prayed with him, then I prayed with him and I prayed with him and I prayed with the Prophet counting with five fingers - Hadith Muslim History [9]

If so, what about the truth of tradition which is believed by many that the newly acquired command of the Prophet prayer during Isra 'and Mi'raj?

It may sound extreme, but doubt or even reject the validity of the validity of these traditions is not a particularly disgraceful act of sin, in this case we do not reject with no clear basis, the narrators of hadith remains the human being as we are, they also can go wrong either intentionally let alone that they intentionally or without knowing it, it is our duty to make corrections if you get the error on the history of tradition that they did certainly while maintaining her dignity and hope that God forgive his mistakes.

Several variations of the story awkwardness Isra 'and Mi'raj of them call it the story of the Prophet Muhammad and the Buraq when stopped at the Baitul Maqdis and congregational prayers in the Aqsa Mosque with the spirits of the prophets before, but history records that al-Aqsa mosque was built in the reign of Caliph Umar Bin Khattab in 637 AD, when invasion into Palestine which incidentally was the Prophet Muhammad himself had long passed away, he died in 632 BC.

Story of the prayer of the Prophet Muhammad and his spirits should even this begs the question, because the Prophet had to pray (according to tradition was even raka'atnya number 2) so that the statement of the Prophet received the command at Ascension Prayer is contrary to this story occurs when the seconds before the noodles' raj itself.

Not to mention the stories of the spirits of the prayer the Prophet can not we accept it with a logical mind, the life they have ended before the birth of Prophet Muhammad, and they themselves have fulfilled their obligations as a messenger of God to his people, what more they need the body was already buried land in the prayers?

After completion of congregational prayer, then one by one the spirits of the prophets and messengers gave his speech ... what a thing is far-fetched, because their numbers there are thousands who came from various regions across the globe, both named in the Koran or not [10], how long it takes to hold up their remarks by the spirits of this?

If it is intended that all the prophets and messengers were met, and testify of the truth of Muhammad, is contradicted by the Koran itself which states that at the time of their lives and their appointment as a prophet and messenger, Allah has taken a covenant from them concerning the coming of a Prophet which justifies their previous teaching and there are implicit orders to his people to deliver on each:

And when Allah took the covenant of the Prophets:

'If you come to the Book and Wisdom, and come unto you an Apostle confirming what is there about me, you shall believe in it are true.'; He asked: 'Have you agreed and accepted the covenant?'; They said: 'We menyanggupinya!'; He said: 'Bear witness! and I'm with you are a body among those who saw! '

- Qs. 3 Ali Imron: 81

Peak impossibility story of the traditions of Prophet Muhammad Ascension is currently reported have been back and forth from the spirit of God to the prophet Moses to offer the prayer which was originally 50 times to 5 times a day and night, are so stupid that the Prophet Muhammad that he should be given advice many times by the spirit of the prophet Moses in order to ask for waivers to GOD to 9 times the round trip?

Does not lack spirit teachings of the Prophet Moses in the story by supposing God did not understand the weaknesses and limitations of the people of the Prophet Muhammad because without a second thought before giving a definite liability burden can not be done by them so that the spirit of the Prophet Moses had to intervene to give warning to God and Prophet Muhammad more than once as an indication israiliyat (Hadith made the people of Israel or the Jews are deliberately made to glorify the Prophet Moses remained above the other)?

Whether such traditions are still to be received and retained only to defend the proposition falling orders prayers, while the Koran itself whose truth value is definitely not it say anything about it?

There is no doubt that the Prophet Muhammad had done Isra 'and Mi'raj as it is in al-Quran and can be analyzed scientifically, no doubt also that the prayer is one of the primary obligation of a Muslim because even this many verses in the Koran and other traditions, even prayer is a tradition inherited by all the Prophets and Apostles in all of his time. It's just that it does not mean the Muslims can accept all the history of tradition that it clearly has a conflict with al-Quran and logic, so that eventually only be handed sense in stupidity to think, when God requires people to think and dhikr in reading the verses, Him.

[1] For example, if the sick should pray by sitting, lying down to just a blink of an eye

[2] See surah al-prophets verse 21 and sura 73 verse 19 Mary 55

[3] See surah 11 verse 87 Huud

[4] See paragraph 14 Surah Ta-Ha 20

[5] See surah 19 verse 31 of Maryam

[6] Drs. Abu Ahmadi, Pearl Isra 'Mi'raj, publisher of Earth Literacy, p. 27

[7] Muhammad Husayn Haekal, Life History of Muhammad, a big issue, Litera Antarnusa Publishers, 1998, p. 87-88

[8] See surah 17 al-israa paragraphs 1 and an-Najm Sura 53 verse 13 s / d 18

[9] HS Fachruddin, Translations Hadith Sahih Muslim III, Section 26, Prayer Time and Qibla obligatory, the Crescent Star Publishers, London, 1979, p. 170

[10] See surah 40 al-Mu'min: 78 and sura. 17 al-israa ': 15


Of hectic talks on the legal use of gold and silk for Muslim men, where if we see from al-Hadith it is mentioned on keharamannya while the Koran itself did not address it. It is wise if we try to restore it in the background and purpose of the prohibition of the use of gold and silk itself.

That already we both know, the Prophet Muhammad to always act and decide in which there is in life according to the instructions or the revelation of God.

Qs. Al-An `am 6: 51

And give warning by what is revealed

Qs. Al-An `am 6: 106

Follow what is revealed to you from your Lord

Qs. 7 al-A'raf: 203

Actually I only follow what is revealed from the Lord to me

Qs. 10 Yunus: 15

"Bring a Qur'an other than this, or replace him". Say: "I do not have the right to change it of my own volition because I did not follow other than those revealed to me. Really, I am afraid to rebel against my Lord of Wrath on the Day of Resurrection. "

Of some verses of the Koran above, the Prophet Muhammad did not have any authority in imposing the law on a case based on the wishes or desires, for example, we see that in case of dispute between his wives (which on the basis of all the jealousy of his wife prophets including 'A'ishah agreed to discredit Mary gave birth to Ibrahim da front of the Prophet), he had decided to forbid the honey based on personal ijtihad, then the following verse as an admonition to the prophet fell upon his attitude is:

Qs. 66 at-Tahrim 1

O Prophet, why do you forbid what Allah has halalkan you just because you want to look for joy at your wives?

Of course events like this warning will recur to the Prophet when he was convicted of prohibition on anything that has been permitted by God in His Book.

Qs. 16 an-Nahl: 116

And do not say to what was mentioned by thy mouth is a lie "This is lawful and unlawful", to invent a lie against Allah. Those who invent a lie against Allah shall not prosper.

All that is forbidden by God certainly has laws that may explain the principles and benefits, for example, why eat pork or drink the blood is forbidden, yet from a scientific study found a variety of diseases and bacteria in it. Another example of why the surah 60 al-Mumtahanah 10 mentioned forbidden to marry a Muslim woman male female nature of the infidels because of the tendency to obey the man she loved so dikhawatikan he can return to disbelief after he believed, besides that this too will make a The new crisis in the household related to the religious status of the child, there will be a tug between Islam and the infidels all of which will only make the harmony of Islam in the household and society becomes chaotic and irregular.

From all this we see that all restrictions have goals, have argued for the private and public benefit rather than a dogmatic prohibition based on groundless. Then back on the case of gold and silk, even this can be seen from the same side.

Qs. 7 al-A'raaf 33

Say: "My Lord has only forbidden indecency, both visible and hidden, and therefore a sin, violate human rights without right, to Allah with something that Allah has sent down essentially to forge it and to God what is not you know "

Word of Allah forbid indecency in paragraph above generally once, and all behavior that led to this heinous act could lead to the fall of the prohibition on such actions.

For example, in terms of exaggeration:

Do not be exaggerated. Allah loves not those exaggerated. - Qs. Al-An `am 6: 141

Or in this self-torture:

And Allah loves not those who do wrong - Qs. 3 Ali Imran: 140

Both of these can be figured in people who boast of the law-splendor, wearing gold jewelry pemata, buy what's actually been more than sufficient for his life while many others around him in a state of suffering, let alone to wear gold, to copy the clothes dipakaipun sometimes have to wait hot days when the weather because the rain did not keep his clothes dry and she was not dressed, many people around us to makanpun should be the market porters, rickshaw ride, hot rain, day and night and so on.

Then the people who smoke, spend money only for things that absolutely no benefit and even otherwise so many things that harm from the health side, this could be figured as an act of unjust or cruel to them might fall haram.

Based on the history of several traditions, it seems that the gold jewelry and silk that existed at the time of the Prophet himself was a gift from an Egyptian ruler Muqauqis ever disurati by the Prophet to embrace Islam, as a form of respect to the granting Muqauqis He Saw, gold and silk fabrics were worn but the This attitude immediately followed by a number of friends who were well off socio-economic level, this action makes the Prophet became embarrassed and angry, how as a leader of the entire follow-horns became an example and role model by all circles of society and what it produces is not the proper thing.

We also know that around the Prophet many people live hard, live dimasjid and borne by the friends who are able (for example, in this case we demonstrated Abu Hurairah), then how would the feelings of the people saw the Prophet wearing jewelry that is so luxurious that not even able to wear them even in a dream and their dreams?

Therefore we also found in another report that the Prophet ultimately gave it to the law of luxury clothing at once the closest to him like a brother who was considered Aaron and Moses:

Of Ali bin Abi Talib r.a. said: 'The Prophet granted to a pair of embroidered dress with silk and gold, then he sent me and I will wear it, but I see the anger in the face of the Prophet, and he said:' Surely I did not send it to you for the clothes you wear, but I tell it that you cut into pieces as the maimed to be distributed among the women '- Reported by Ahmad, Bukhari and Muslim

With less so, what we find from a number of traditions regarding the use of gold and silk keterlarangan can we paralelkan with that stated in surah al-A'raaf 203 last paragraph.

The next question, why the law is not mentioned in a transparent manner in the Qur'an?

The answer is because the verses of the Koran itself consists of two categories, namely muhkamât and mutashabihat.

"He was the one who lowered the book to you. Among them there are verses which muhkamat that the contents of the main points of the Koran, and the other mutasyaabihaat. As for those in whose hearts is perversity they follow sebahagian paragraph Signs that mutashabihat to cause fitnah / strife / and searching for understanding, but no one knows but God's understanding as well as people of deep knowledge. Say: "We believe that all the verses from the side of our Lord" . And can not take lessons but people who want to think about. " - Qs. 3 Ali Imron: 7

There are certain things that really require in-depth study and analysis, either through a figurative or based on modern science, in accordance with the paragraph above that mutashabihat verses can only be understood by a person of deep knowledge and for those who want to think.

Think not only the explicit textual but also think about these verses is written between the lines were reversed.

Therefore we do not see why such a law regulating the Polyandri while the Qur'an itself to organize and discuss issues such as polygamy or why not also described in detail how the theft should be punished if it was hand cut on a large scale stealing or stealing only because of hunger and forced to ... and so on and so forth.

There are so many things that had to be studied more deeply than the verses of the Koran, sometimes the law does not set forth in paragraph muhkamât but can we set the laws of the working class which included the mutashabihat, and this where the flexibility of the Koran. When there are new problems that arise because of the progress of time, he would still be up to date and issued a fatwa, fatwa.

Another example of the smoking law, the law of 'rocking inul', banking laws

And now there's also the question, why is it that only gold is forbidden for men only and not for women?

Of Abu Musa, the Prophet said: Permitted gold and silk for the women of my people; and diharamkannya the men of my ummah '- Reported by Ahmad, Tirmidhi, Nasa'i and legitimize

Of Umar he said: I heard the Holy Prophet said: 'Do not wear silk, for verily he who put the world so he would not wear the Hereafter. - Reported by Ahmad, Bukhari and Muslim

Narrowly, the role of the male is the leader of the women in the household, but more broadly, the man also is the leader of a large scale (larger households), it is also all prophets in Islam are male .

Men whose lives tend to wallow in luxury will take his family on infidelity, while women who wear fancy jewelry is already one of the temperament, nature like that, like the things that are beautiful and materialistic, but it also actually has certain limitations of God, for example:

And do they stomp their feet so that they are known to hide jewelry. - Qs. 24 an-Nuur: 31

The story of Qarun which is used as an example by al-Qur'an would be sufficient to give lessons and wisdom to us about bermewah-luxury living habits among men.

Those who believe and emigrate and strive in the way of Allah with their wealth and themselves, is a higher rank in the sight of Allah: and that the people who get the victory. -Qs. At-Tawbah 9: 20