May 2, 2012


Tawheed is blessing us as servants of God and confess to Almighty Allah Almighty's by running away from the commandments and prohibitions

Nature of infidels or those who ascribe partners to Allah or shirk are those who do not recognize the Almighty - Allah Almighty's so do not run away from the commandments and prohibitions

The devil is said by those who are eccentric, acknowledges there is no god but Allah, and was dubbed the "father of monotheism" because it would not bow down (worship) to other than Allah.

The devil wrath of God Almighty because they do not recognize the Almighty's Allah Almighty does not comply with its obligations in the form of the command to bow down to man (Prophet Adam).

Muslims who prostrate (prayer) facing the Kaaba, does not mean he worshiped the Kaaba, but he is actually being prostrate and worship Allah Subhanahu wa Ta'ala to face the Kaaba embodiment admitted to running a command or an Almighty God Almighty. So is the angels bow down to man (Prophet Adam) embodiment, or admit to execute commands an Almighty God Almighty.

The Jews and the Christians say they can not believe bertauhid or because they do not recognize the Almighty's God Almighty does not comply with its obligations in the form of orders for bersyahadat.

The Word of God Almighty, which means, "And (remember) when Allah took the covenant from the prophets:" Really, what I give unto you a book and then come to the wisdom of an apostle confirming what you have, surely you will truly believe in him and help him ". He said: "Do you recognize and accept my covenant on those?" They said: "We agree." He said: "Then bear witness, (O the prophets) and I bear witness (also) be with you". (Surah Ali Imran [3]: 81)

Sayyidina Ali bin Abi Talib kw. said: 'Whenever Allah Subhanahu wa ta'ala sent a prophet, from Adam onwards, then to the prophets of Allah Subhanahu wa ta'ala that their oath of allegiance demanded that if Allah's Apostle sallallaahu alaihi wasallam later. sent, they will believe him, defend him and took the oath of allegiance from his people to do the same thing '.

Word of the Almighty, which means, "Or did you (O Jews and Christians) say that Abraham, Isma'il, Ishaq, Ya'qub and the Tribes, is a religious Jew or a Christian?" Say: 'Are you or God knows better, and who is more unjust than those who conceal the Shahadah of God in him? "And Allah is not unmindful of what ye do. (Surah Al Baqarah [2]: 140)

Prophet sallallaahu alaihi wasallam said, "By Allah, who is in the grip of my hands, not heard of it I was seseorangpun of the ummah today, Jewish, nor Christian, then they would not believe me, but he go to hell. "

Hadith narrated by Sufyan bin Uyainah Adi bin Hatim sanadnya of. Mardawih narrated from Ibn Abu Dhar, he said, "I asked the Messenger sallallaahu alaihi wasallam about people who are children of wrath", he said, 'The Jews.' I asked about people who are misguided, he said, "The Christian. "

Word of the Almighty, which means,

Say: "O People of the Book, you is not seen at all until you uphold the religious teachings of the Torah, the Gospel, and Qur'an that was revealed to you from your Lord". (Surah Al Maa'idah [5]: 68)

'Had the Book believed, it would have been better for them .. "(QS.Ali Imran [3]: 110)

While understanding cleric Muhammad ibn Abdul Wahhab about monotheism, for example, can we know the Qawaidul Arba 'which disyarahkan by cleric Salih Al-Fauzan Fauzan on pdf

Cleric Muhammad ibn Abdul Wahhab and his followers argue that the Muslims who read the litany has been misguided, associating partners with Allah as the Prophet who asked for help to the deceased. For example because they misunderstand the honor / editor sholawat as a means,

"I have been kind to you really think. O giver of glad tidings, O warner. So please help me and save me. O protector of hell Oh my helper and my protector Sa'ir ".

Sholawat sentence is not interpreted dzahir but require balaghoh linguistics as science. Sholawat sentence contains tawasul, ask for help only to God Almighty medium (washilah) maqom (degrees) the primacy of the Prophet sallallaahu alaihi wasallam.

The Muslims in general are not convinced that the bertawassul ditawasulkan grant the request because only Allah Almighty who granted it.

One of the virtues of the Prophet sallallaahu alaihi wasallam is syafa'at (help) and was promised by God or the permission of Allah is a prophet will help the people of his followers, the following hadith;

حدثنا إسماعيل قال حدثني مالك عن أبي الزناد عن الأعرج عن أبي هريرة أن رسول الله T قال لكل نبي دعوة مستجابة يدعو بها وأريد أن أختبئ دعوتي شفاعة لأمتي في الآخرة


We can khabar of Ismail, we can khabar from Malik, from Abi Az-Zanad, from Al-'Aroj, and of Abi Hurairoh, that the Prophet sallallaahu alaihi wasallam said: Every Prophet has a supplication efficacious (granted) to them prayed' a, and I want to become intercessory prepare do'aku (helper) to my people in the afterlife. (Narrated by Bukhari Sahih Muslim)

In the word of Allah ta'ala mentioned;

من ذا الذي يشفع عنده إلا بإذنه

It means: "No one can give syafa'at (help) by Allah without His permission" (Surat Al-Baqoroh 255)

Word of the Almighty, which means,

"Verily, Allah is your helper, His Messenger, and those who believe, who establish regular prayer and practice regular charity, as they are subject (to God)" (Surah Al Maaidah [5]: 55)

"And whoever takes Allah, His Messenger and those who believe to be his salvation, the true follower of (religious) that Allah will be victorious" (Surah Al Maaidah [5]: 56)

"And (so is) Gabriel and the believers are good, and aside from that the angels are helpers as well" (Surah At Tahrim [66]: 4)

"And give us a protector from Thee, and grant us from Thee a helper" (Surat an-Nisa [4]: ​​75)

If we ask for help or go to the doctor then we must believe that the cure we are not doctors, but God Almighty through the medium of a doctor.

The workers get protection from their employers. The refugees get the help of volunteers and benefactors, and there are many more examples which essentially is just an intermediary for help and protection of God Almighty.

If a shirk if requested protection or rescue in humans then what you have done the royal dynasty of Saudi seek protection and relief to the American Jewish Zionists behind it is a shirk and scholars in the kingdom of Saudi dynasty had let kesyirikan happening before their eyes. But clearly they have violated the ban

The Word of God Almighty, which means,

"O ye who believe, do not take into confidence those friends who, outside of religion (pagans) they will not cease (cause) harm to you. They liked what trouble you. Have a real hatred from their mouths, and what is hidden by their hearts are bigger. We really have explained to you the verses (We), if you understand it ", (Surat Ali 'Imran, 118)

"Here you are, you like them, but they do not like you, and ye believe in all the books. If they see you, they say, "We believe", and when they are alone, they bite the conduction fingers anger mingled hatred against you. Say (unto them): "Death to you because of that anger." Verily Allah knows all hearts ". (Surah Ali Imran, 119)

"Have you not seen those who make the wrath of a people of God as a friend? The men were not from your group and not (also) from them. And they vowed to strengthen a lie, and they know ". (Surah Al Mujaadilah [58]: 14)

"Let not the believers take the disbelievers a trustee (the leader) and leave the believers. Whoever did so, he undoubtedly lepaslah of God's help ... "(Surat Ali-Imran: 28)

"You will not find a people who believe in Allah and the Hereafter, mutually dear by those who oppose Allah and His Messenger, even though they were their fathers, or children, or their brothers or the family them. "(Surat Al Mujadilah: 22)

Things we need to remember that the author of the book is a litany mufti (fatwa giver) we certainly know what competencies should be achieved to become a mufti.

Then the pious scholars also berliau descendant Prophet sallallaahu alaihi wasallam grandchildren, nasabnya name is Sayid ibn Hasan ibn Ja'far ibn Muhammad ibn Abd al-Karim ibn Abd al-Sayid Sayid Apostle ibn Abdul Rasul Qalandar ibn ibn ibn Isa ibn Abd al-Sayyid Husayn ibn Abd al-Karim ibn Bayazid ibn Isa ibn Ali ibn Yusuf ibn Mansur ibn Abdul Aziz ibn Abdullah ibn Ismail ibn Al-Imam Musa al-Kazim ibn Al-Imam Ja'far As-Sodiq ibn Al-Imam Al-Baqir ibn Muhammad Al-Imam Zayn al-Abidin ibn Al- Hadrat Imam Husain ibn Ali ra

Datuk-grandfather Sayyid Ja'far all leading scholars known for its science and charity, virtues and keshalihannya.

He has a commendable nature and morality, the soul is clean, very forgiving and merciful, ascetic, so stick with the Al-Quran and Sunnah, wara ', a lot of remembrance, sentiasa bertafakkur, preceded in making virtue charity, and generous.

His childhood he had learned the Qur'an from Shaykh Ismail al-Yamani, and learn tajweed and repair readings with Sheikh Yusuf Al-Sheikh Shamsuddin So'idi and Al-Misri. Among his teachers in the science of religion and the Shari'a are: Sayid Haidar Abdul Karim Al-litany, Sheikh Yusuf Al-Kurdi, Athiyatullah Sayid Al-Hindi.

Ja'far Al-Sayid litany has mastered many disciplines, including: Shoraf, Nahwu, Manthiq, Ma'ani, Bayan, Adab, Fiqh, Fiqh Usulul, Faraidh, reckoning, Usuluddin, Hadith, proposal Hadith, Tafseer, Wisdom, Handasah , A'rudh, Kalam, lughah, Sirah, Qiraat, Suluk, Mysticism, Pole Ahkam, Rijal, Mustholah.

Much higher level of knowledge Sayyid Ja'far Al-litany compared with the level of knowledge of Muhammad ibn Abdul Wahab.

Associated with the following hadith bertawassul

حدثنا الحسن بن محمد قال حدثنا محمد بن عبد الله الأنصاري قال حدثني أبي عبد الله بن المثنى عن ثمامة بن عبد الله بن أنس عن أنس بن مالك أن عمر بن الخطاب رضي الله عنه كان إذا قحطوا استسقى بالعباس بن عبد المطلب فقال اللهم إنا كنا نتوسل إليك بنبينا فتسقينا وإنا نتوسل إليك بعم نبينا فاسقنا قال فيسقون

Have told us Al Hasan bin Muhammad said, had told us Muhammad bin 'Abdullah Al-Ansari said, has told me my father' Abdullah bin Al Mutsanna of Tsumamah bin 'Abdullah bin Anas Anas bin Malik that' Umar bin Al Khattab radliallahu ' anhu when something bad happens to the Muslims, he asked for the rain to berwasilah to 'Abbas ibn' Abdul Muttalib said, pray, O God, we ask for rain to you by the hand of our Prophet, then you lose the rain to us. So now we beg of Thee by the hand of our Prophet's uncle, then send down rain to us. Anas said, they were then getting rain. (Bukhari 954)

حدثنا الحسن بن محمد حدثنا محمد بن عبد الله الأنصاري حدثني أبي عبد الله بن المثنى عن ثمامة بن عبد الله بن أنس عن أنس رضي الله عنه أن عمر بن الخطاب كان إذا قحطوا استسقى بالعباس بن عبد المطلب فقال اللهم إنا كنا نتوسل إليك بنبينا صلى الله عليه وسلم فتسقينا وإنا نتوسل إليك بعم نبينا فاسقنا قال فيسقون

Have told us Al Hasan ibn Muhammad has told us Muhammad bin 'Abdullah Al Anshariy have told me my father,' Abdullah bin Al Mutsannaa of Tsumamah bin 'Abdullah bin Anas Anas radliallahu' anhu that 'Umar bin Al Khattab when misfortune befalls them he asked the rain to drought berwasilah to 'Abbas ibn' Abdul Muttalib said, pray; ALLOOHUMMA INNAA KUNNA NATAWASSALU ILAIKA ABIYYINAA MUHAMMAD BIN WA-INNAA SHALLALLAHU'ALAIHIWASALLAM FATASQIINAA NATAWASSALU ILAIKA BI'AMMI NABIYYINAA FASQINAA O God, we first had to ask for rain- by means of our Prophet Mu then you rain down to us. So now we beg of Thee by the hand of our Prophet's uncle, then send down rain to us. Anas said: And the rain descended. (Bukhari 3434)

Hadith is related in the book of Ibn Kathir tarikhnya 7/105:

: "وقال الحافظ أبو بكر البيهقي: أخبرنا أبو نصر بن قتادة, وأبو بكر الفارسي قالا: حدثنا أبو عمر بن مطر, حدثنا إبراهيم بن علي الذهلي, حدثنا يحيى بن يحيى, حدثنا أبو معاوية, عن الأعمش, عن أبي صالح, عن مالك قال : أصاب الناس قحط في زمن عمر بن الخطاب, فجاء رجل إلى قبر النبي صلى الله عليه وسلم. فقال: يا رسول الله استسق الله لأمتك فإنهم قد هلكوا. فأتاه رسول الله صلى الله عليه وسلم في المنام فقال: إيت عمر, فأقرئه مني السلام, وأخبرهم أنه مسقون, وقل له عليك بالكيس الكيس. فأتى الرجل فأخبر عمر, فقال: يا رب ما ءالوا إلا ما عجزت عنه. وهذا إسناد صحيح "اه

Said Abu Bakr al hafidz al Bayhaqi, Abu Nashar had told Abu Bakr bin al Qutadah and Pharisees, they both said, had told us Abu Umar bin Mathor, has told us Addzahli Ibrahim bin Ali, had told us Yahya bin Yahya, have told us Abu Mu'awiya from 'Amasy from Abi Salih from Daar He said Malik Ad

"People are experiencing drought while the government Umar. Then a man came to the tomb of the Prophet sallallaahu alaihi wasallam and said: "O Messenger of Allah sallallaahu alaihi wasallam mintakanlah rain for your people because they have perished."

Then the person is a dream to see the Prophet sallallaahu alaihi wasallam and said to him 'Umar came to say hi to him and tell him they're all going down rain. Say to him "behave wisely, be wise".

So these men see Umar and told him about it. Then Umar said, "My Lord I do not neglect the affairs of these people except what I could not do it"

Sanadnya hadeeth of Ibn Kathir is the setting. Malik Malik is Ad Daar and he was a treasurer in the reign of Umar food warehouse, he is tsiqoh

Al hafidz Ibn Hajar al Asqolani in juz 2 fathul nautical chapter in the book aljumah sualun idza qohathu nas al imam ",

: "وروى ابن أبي شيبة بإسناد صحيح من رواية أبي صالح السمان عن مالك الدار وكان خازن عمر قال" أصاب الناس قحط في زمن عمر فجاء رجل إلى قبر النبي صلى الله عليه وسلم صلى الله عليه وسلم فقال: يا رسول الله استسق لأمتك فإنهم قد هلكوا , فأتى الرجل في المنام فقيل له: ائت عمر "الحديث.

Narrated by Ibn Abi Syaibah with a saheeh sanad from the history of Abu Salih As Saman Malik Umar Ad Daar treasurer. He said: "People are experiencing drought while the government Umar. Then a man came to the tomb of the Prophet sallallaahu alaihi wasallam and said: "O Messenger of Allah sallallaahu alaihi wasallam mintakanlah rain to your people have perished because they came to Umar laki2 etc. .. and it is Bilal bin Haris almuzani".

Instead they unwittingly associating God with making this ban case (if you do sin) like, condemning the Prophet's Birthday, sholawat Badar, sholawat Nariyah, Ratib Al-Haddad, Yasinan, Tahlilan, bertawassul by Muslims who had won his side the dead maqom etc. .

The Word of God Almighty, which means, "Say! My Lord has only forbidden things are not good arising from it and what is hidden and the sins and transgressions that are not true and you are associating God with something that God has not revealed the information to him and you say the (name of) Allah with something that you do not know. "(Surat al-A'raf: 32-33)

In a Hadith Qudsi, the Prophet said, "Satan forbid that I halalkan on them and ordered them to menyekutukanKu with something that I did not send down the information to him." (Reported by Muslim 5109)

All because they have been victims or victims of incitement ghazwul fikri (understanding of war) being waged by the Zionists Jews so that they have unwittingly bertasyabuh with the Christians, clerics make them as gods other than Allah.

Allah Almighty says, "They make their monks and priests as gods other than Allah". (Surat at-Tawbah [9]: 31)

When the Prophet was asked related to this passage, "if they were worshiping the monks and priests so that said made them gods other than Allah?"

The Prophet replied, "no", "They do not worship the monks and priests, but when the monks and priests to justify anything to them, they consider it lawful, and if the monks and priests were forbidden to them something, they mengharamkannya"

In the history of the others mentioned, the Prophet said "they (the monks and priests) have been set to something that is halal haram, and justify something that is haram, then they follow it. That is the worship to them. "(History Tarmizi).

Word of the Almighty, which means,

"O ye who believe, do not forbid what God has halalkan good for you and do not transgress limits, for Allah loves not the transgressors." (Surat al-Mâ'idah [5]: 87).

"And say not of what was mentioned by a lying tongue" This is lawful and this is haram ", to invent a lie against Allah. Those who invent a lie against Allah Nor fortunate "[QS. An-Nahl: 116].


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