May 2, 2012

failed religion

In our country there is a determined religion, but also persistent corruption. There are even criminals are arrested after returning from the pilgrimage, or umrah. Even discussed the multitude of religious ministry as a matter of corruption.

All of that is because they just look religious but failed religion. Failed religion because religious education is not getting kaffah or thorough.

Religious education that is as thorough conversation with the angel Gabriel to the Prophet sallallaahu alaihi wasallam in the presence of the Companions of the covering Aqeedah (faith), religious (Islam / Sharia) and morality (Ihsan / Sufi)

The man asked, 'O Allah, what is Islam? 'He said,' Islam is the God you do not associate anything with anything, establish prayer, pay Zakat, and fast Ramadlan. 'He said,' You're right. 'Then he asked again,' O Messenger of Allah, what is faith? 'He replied,' You believe in Allah, His angels, His books, faith in the event a meeting with him, faithful to His Apostles, and you believe in the resurrection and the faith in the destiny of everything '. He said, 'You're right'. Then he asked again, 'O Messenger of Allah, whether it's good deeds? 'He replied,' You are afraid (khasyyah) to Allah as if you see him (bermakrifat), then if you do not see him (bermakrifat) then surely He sees you. (Reported by Muslim, 11)

In general, the Muslims only gain knowledge about the Aqeedah (faith) and worship (Islam / Sharia) only. That escaped the knowledge of the character (Ihsan / Sufi).

Then he asked again, 'O Messenger of Allah, whether it's good deeds? 'He replied,' You are afraid (khasyyah) to Allah as if you see him (bermakrifat), then if you do not see him (bermakrifat) then surely He sees you. (Reported by Muslim, 11)

Please read the article about the importance of Sufism or moral education delivered by a faculty member in writing on Sufism

Even most religious education in the region of the Saudi royal dynasty and the Darul Hadith, Dammaj, Yemen, the curriculum does not have knowledge of Sufism.

Instead what is conveyed by a pious cleric descendant Prophet sallallaahu alaihi wasallam grandchildren, Abuya Prof. DR. Muhammad bin Alwi Assayyid Almaliki Alhasani in his paper in a national meeting and dialogue a second thought, 5 to 1424 H 9 Dzulqo'dah in Makkah al Mukarromah, said that in the third grade curriculum unity junior high schools (junior high) printed in 1424 in Saudi Arabia Hijriyyah claims and statements that contain Sufiyyah groups (sects of Sufism) is shirk, and out of religion. More papers quote on

This is because they are inedible or victim ghazwul fikri incitement (the understanding of war) being waged by the Zionists Jews. In essence Jewish Zionist efforts to distance the Muslims from Sufism is in order to damage the character of the Muslims as they disseminate pornography, free lifestyle, liberalism, secularism, pluralism, hedonism etc..

Look at the influence of hedonism that is brought by the Jewish Zionists around Makkah Al Mukaromah. Indeed, dzahir "infidels" do not enter the holy land but understand god of pleasure (hedonism) and the god of freedom (liberalism) is left inside.

Look at the development around Makkah Al Mukaromah full construction of facilities for pilgrims who "more than enough" that leads to hedonism and liberalism. They are indirectly making fun of the Prophet sallallaahu alaihi wasallam Sunnah that we ascetic in the world.

From Abul Abbas - Sahl bin Sa'd As-Sa'idy - radliyallahu 'anhu, he said, a man came to the Prophet sallallaahu' alaihi wa sallam and said: "O Messenger of Allah! Show me one if I do good deeds with him I am loved by God and loved people. "Then the Prophet replied:" Zuhudlah you in the world Allah will love you, and zuhudlah against what is in people they will love you. "(Sahih Hadith narrated by Ibn Majah and others).

Prophet sallallaahu alaihi wasallam said, "For what the world is! My relationship with the world like a rider who stopped for a moment under a tree, then go and leave it." (Reported by At-Tirmidhi)

Radhiallahuanhu Abu Bakr said, "O Allah, make the world in our hands, not in our hearts."

Word of the Almighty, which means, "And Nor the life of this world but amusement and play. And verily the Hereafter that is the real life, if they only knew. "(Surah Al-Ankabuut [29]: 64)

Prophet sallallaahu alaihi wasallam said, "By Allah, not the poverty that I fear for you, but I'm scared of you dibukakannya world for you as it has been opened for the people before you. Then you are competing as they are competing, and destroy you as it has destroyed them. "

The lack zuhudan in the world makes them prefer to remove traces the journey of life the Prophet sallallaahu alaihi wasallam for the expansion of the facility is more than enough.

Later the next generation of young Muslims will no longer know where the agreement Hudaibiyah, Jabal mustajabnya Qubis for a place to pray the township even the birth of Muhammad sallallaahu alaihi wasallam king will live "according to the story" is no longer in its original physical form. Patutlah waiter there who think the two holy land, has been likened to destroy religion. More please read the inscription on the

The purpose of religion is to be a Muslim who berakhlakul karimah, good Muslims, Sholihin, Muslim charity, Muslim bermakrifat the Muslims who saw God in the liver (ain bashiroh)

Prophet convey the meaning "I am sent by (Allah) to perfect morality." (Ahmad).

Word of the Almighty, which means,

"It's in you there is a noble character." (Surah Al-Qalam: 4)

"Indeed there has been on the (self) that the Messenger of good role models for you (that) for people who expect (grace) of God and the (coming) Judgment Day and He is Allah much." (Surat al-Ahzab: 21)

Bad manners are those who do not fear God or those who turn away from God as they indulge in the passions.

Word of the Almighty, which means

"... Do not follow your own desires, because it will lead you astray from the path of Allah .." (Surah Sad [38]: 26)

"Say:" I'm not going to follow your own passions, I really tersesatlah if to do so and not (also) I am among those who receive guidance "(Surah An'am [6]: 56)

Good morals are those who fear Allah because they are always assured of being watched by Allah Almighty or God they are always looking at each will behave or act so as to prevent him from doing something that hates, avoiding immoral deeds, avoid the shameful and unjust deeds to forming Muslim berakhlakul karimah

Clerical person to give advice to an official with the ministry disebuah, "Please do corruption but doing in a place that can not be seen by God Almighty."

Muslims have always believed supervised by the Allah Almighty will surely not corrupt.

The rulers of the country who are Muslims but lied to his people, the tax mafia, mafia courts, those who are Muslims but applies radicalism or terrorism, the representatives are not representing the people, government officials should instead be a servant to serve the political parties, the artists the adulterous or naked or half naked in front of the camera, the anarchist protesters even students who are still using the jacket an Islamic university attributes but anarchist march, the workers who are members of trade unions marched close highways and other vigilante actions are those that do not have knowledge of Sufism (ihsan / character) so that they do not have the confidence that they are in control of Allah Almighty. As if the punishment of hell is the matter later.

Supervision of God does not arise in the hearts of the perpetrators of corruption or other crimes, but because they do not gain knowledge of Sufism (charity / morals) as well as acts of worship which they did just a physical activity or physical practice (physical) is not up to the practice of inner (spiritual ). Pilgrimage they do no longer limited to physical worship spiritual journey.

This situation is said by the Prophet sallallaahu alayhi wasallam as the "Prayer over the limit they are not up to the throat"

Messenger of Allah said which means "there will be a firqah / sect / people from my Ummah who are good at reading the Koran. Where, you are not reading nothing compared to reading them. Similarly, your prayers than their prayers. Too fast they are compared with your fasting. They read the Koran and they think that the Koran is (proof) for them, but it turns out that the Koran is the (disaster) upon them. Their prayers are not to cross the line the throat. They come out of Islam as an arrow shot from his bow "(Muslim 1773)

The sequence is Faith -> Science -> Charity -> Morals

The Prophet said, "Whoever does not prevent prayer from shameful and unjust deeds, so he did not grow further and further away from God except Him" ​​(narrated by ath al-Kabir Thabarani the number 11 025, 11/46)

He who does not fervently in prayer and God's control is not embedded in his soul or his heart, he has been immoral and deserve the punishment of the Almighty.

The Word of God Almighty, which means

`.... then woe to those who pray, (ie) those who are remiss in prayer, and those who do riya "(Surah Al-Ma'un 107: 4-6)

"... And do not include those who fail" (Surah Al A'raaf 7: 205)

"Verily, prayer prevents from shameful and unjust deeds" (al Ankabut [29]: 45)

Prayer is really good science and charity will manifest in behavior that has always prevented him from doing something that hates, avoiding immoral deeds, avoid the shameful and unjust deeds to karimah berakhlakul formed Muslim, pious Muslims, Muslims who are near Him, Muslims who took maqom side, the Muslim who was given ni'mat by Allah Almighty, so always be on the straight path.

Word of the Almighty, which means,

"Guide us the straight path, (ie) path of those whom You have given ni'mat to them ...." (Surah Al-Fatihah [1] :6-7)

"And those who adhere Allah and (His), they would be together with people who ni'mat endowed by God, namely: the prophets, the shiddiiqiin, the people who were martyred, and the the pious. And those that are best friends. "(Surat an-Nisa [4]: ​​69)

Muslims are not the best for the Prophet and his side won maqom to become lovers of God (wali Allah) to reach shiddiqin, Muslims who justify and saw God with his heart (ain bashiroh) or bermakrifat Muslim. Shiddiqin various levels as described in the inscription on the

Muslims closer to God is a Muslim who berakhlakul karimah.

Science does not guarantee that a lot closer to Him if proved true of good morals.

Prophet sallallaahu alaihi wasallam said: "Whoever increases his knowledge, but not increased hidayahnya, then he does not get close to God but to grow further '

The more familiar with God (ma'rifatullah) through his verses and kauniyah qauliyah, then the closer relationship with Him. Science must be guarded guidance. Without guidance, a knowledgeable person to be arrogant and farther away from the Almighty. Instead of a scientist (scholar) who received guidance (the gift of wisdom), the relationship with the Almighty is getting closer to reaching maqom side.

As diperibahasakan by our parents once more shows like the duck rice, the more knowledgeable and it is increasingly tawadhu charitable, humble and not arrogant.

Imam Malik ~ rahimahullah advised us to run the case simultaneously running sharia Sufism in order not to be damaged human (not a certain character either).

Imam Malik ~ rahimahullah deliver advice (which means) "He who is Sufism without learning fiqh (running Shari'a) broken faith, while he is studying Islamic law (Shari'a run) without practicing Sufism is corrupted him, only he who combines both secured properly"

Similarly Imam Shafi'i ~ rahimahullah advised us to reach an all-pious as the pious Salaf is to run the case of the Shari'a as they convey in the book of jurisprudence as well as running the mysticism to achieve a good Muslim, a pious Muslim, Muslim or berakhlakul karimah Ihsan Muslim

Imam Shafi'i ~ rahimahullah deliver advice (which means): "Try to learn you to be a science of jurisprudence (Shari'a live) and also through Sufism, and do not you just take one of them. Surely for the sake of Allah, I really want to advise you. People who only studied jurisprudence (Shari'a live) but do not want to go through Sufism, the heart can not feel the delicacy of piety. Meanwhile, people who just underwent Sufism but do not want to learn the science of fiqh (through Shari'a), then how can he be a good (charity)? "[Diwan al-Imam ash-Shafi'i, p. 47]

Before studying Sufism, Imam Ahmad bin Hambal confirmed to his son, Abdullah ra. "My son, thou shalt stand in the hadith. You have to be careful with people who call themselves Sufis. Because sometimes very stupid of them to religion. "But when he was apprenticed to Abu Hamza al-Baghdady as-Shufy, and get to know the behavior of the Sufis, he suddenly said to his son" My son thou shalt bermajlis with the Sufis, because they can provide additional supplies to us, through the knowledge that many, muroqobah, the fear of God, ascetic and virtuous Himma (Allah) "He said," I never saw a people who are more mainstream than the Sufis. "Then Imam Ahmad was asked, "It is not they often enjoy the same 'and ecstasy?" Imam Ahmad replied, "wah they are happy with God in every moment ..."

Imam Nawawi ~ rahimahullah said: "The key there are five methods of teaching tasawwuf: Taqwa to Allah in the quiet and crowded, follow the Sunnah in word and deed, turned away from the creature in the penghadapan well as backward, giving pleasure to God from His either little or a lot and always come back to God's good times and bad ". (Proceedings of Al-Tawhid wal Maqoshid fit Worship Tasawwuf wa Ushulut page: 20, Imam Nawawi).

Successful conclusion in a religious Muslim who is a Muslim who berakhlakul karimah, good Muslims, Sholihin, Muslim charity, Muslim bermakrifat the Muslims who saw God in his heart (ain bashiroh)

Imam Sayyidina Ali r.a. was once asked by a friend named Zi'lib Al-Yamani,

"Have you ever seen God?"

He replied, "What I did not worship that I've ever seen?"

"How do you see him?" He asked again.

Sayyidina Ali ra said "He can not be seen by the human eye with a view of the plain, but it can be seen by the heart"

A history of Ja'far bin Muhammad, he asked: "Do you see your Lord as you worship Him?" He replied: "I have seen the Lord, my new worship". How do you see Him? he replied: "Not seen by the eye that sees, but seen with a heart full of faith."

If you have not been able to bermakrifat assured that Almighty God sees us.

Messenger of Allah said which means "if you do not see him (bermakrifat) then surely He sees you." (Muslim 11)

Bin as-Samit Ubadah ra. said, that the Prophet sallallaahu alaihi wasallam said: "The main Seutama-one's faith, if he had known (see) that God is always with him, wherever he is"

Prophet sallallaahu alaihi wasallm said "Faith is the most afdol when you know that God is always with you wherever you are." (Narrated Ath Thobari)

Muslims who witnessed the Almighty to the liver (ain bashiroh) is the Muslims who believe in His presence always, always be aware and remember Him.

Qushayri priest says "Ash-Shahid to show something that is present in the liver, which is something that made him constantly aware of and remember, so as if the owner is always careful to see and watch him, though he did not appear. What makes each person's heart controls his mind he is a martyr (witness) "

Shaykh Ibn Munajat Athoillah, "Oh my God, who was behind the curtain of his glory, so it can not be achieved by the eye. O Lord, who has been incarnated in the perfection, beauty and glory, so it is obvious proof of greatness in the hearts and feelings. My God, how thou when thou art hidden Essence of The Zahir, and how you would Invisibility, when Thou Supervisors are still present. It is God who gives us guidance and ask Him for help "

Shaikh Abdul Qadir Al-Jilany convey, "they always looked self-conscious of Allah Almighty in his heart, when integrated become mengugurkan determination of the hijab, hijab among themselves with Himself. All the buildings collapsed lived meaning. The whole of the joints broke and all belong to a loose, there's nothing left but God Almighty. There was no speech and movement for them, there was no pleasure for them until all of it right. If it is correct Perfected in all matters to him. The first is that they spend all earthly bondage and then they spend on everything other than Allah Almighty is totally and always keep that in carrying out the test at his home ".

Yours respectfully


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