ASSalamun 'alaikum.
In the discussion on FB and in the midst of society are often circulated the hadiths which suggests that the prophet can know things that ghoib. Including the ghoib is an event that will come, for example about kiyamat events, a list of the shohabat who will enter Paradise and the amount of his replacement, etc..
A list of shohabat is usually used by non syii as a weapon to deny the argument that all shohabat's Shiite infidels except 3. On the other hand the 12 Shiite Imams hadiths forecast also produce the successor to the Prophet that one day amounted to 12 people in a history or a total of 13 people in the history of others.
Is it true that the Prophet knew that ghoib?
Verses of the Quran follows very clearly gives to those who believe in arahann al-Quran that the Prophet ghoib NOT know that.
6:50 Say: "I did NOT say unto you, that the treasury of God is upon me, and NOT (again) I know the unseen and not (too) I tell you that I am an angel. I do not follow except what is revealed to me. Say: "Are the blind and the seeing?" Do you not think (it)?
7:188 Say: "I have no power draw benefits for myself and not (also) rejected harm unless the will of God. And except that I know the unseen, I certainly make virtue as much as possible and I will not be overwritten harm. I'm nothing but warner and a bringer of glad tidings to those who believe ".
11:31 And I am NOT telling you (that): "I have storehouses of God's sustenance and wealth, and NO I know the unseen, and not (also) I said:" Behold, I am an angel ", and not I also say to those who despised by sight: "Certainly Allah will not bring good to them." Allah knows what is in them: behold, I, then, truly, the people who dzalim .
While the events of the past and future is only known to the Prophet via revelation and it's in AL-Quran. This is clearly a statement in verse 6:50: "I do not follow except what is revealed to me". Well where is the inspired Prophet?
Say: "Who is stronger persaksiannya?" Say: "Allah. He is a witness between me and you. And this Qur'an revealed to me so I gave him a warning to you and to those who till the Qur'an (to him). Do you really bear witness that there is a god- other gods beside Allah? " Say: "I do not agree." Say: "Verily, He is God Almighty and that I am innocent of what ye associate (with Allah)". (6:19)
In the above paragraph is a sentence "And this Qur'an revealed to him that" a showing that:
A. The Prophet gave peringatah with Al-Quran and nothing else.
2. The Prophet did not accept another revelation.
In addition, related to the functions of the Quran as the Book of Instructions mankind, God IS enough to look at what's in the Koran:
It is not possible Koran was made by other than Allah: but (the Qur'an) confirming the previous scriptures and explain the laws he has set, there is no doubt in it, (derived) from the Lord of hosts. (10:37)
We told you the story of the best in the Qur'an revealed this to you, and ye before (we reveal) it is among those who do not know. (12:3)
And verily We have repeated the man in this Qur'an every kind of parable, but most people do not like except to deny (it). (17:89)
And verily We have to repeat to man in this Qur'an all kinds of metaphor. And human beings are the most widely denied. (18:54)
And We have indeed made the Qur'an is a metaphor for all kinds of human beings .... (30:58)
We have indeed made for man in this Qur'an every kind of parable that they can be a lesson. (39:27)
(And remember) the day (when) We raised in every nation a witness against them of their own, and we bring you (Muhammad) a witness against all humanity. And We sent down to thee the Book (Al Quran) to explain everything, and guidance and mercy and glad tidings to those who submit. (16:89)
After reading the verses above, I invite those who believe in the Qur'an as it exists now is to position the books inherited from the past, namely the books of Hadith and others (other than the Koran, of course) simply as a book of history which can be right and also wrong.
Perhaps you all agree with me that to know the past can be done by looking at the relics of the past both tangible archaeological objects as well as the writings of the witness to history. While the methods used by the Ahl-ul-Hadith is by writing the past information from listening to oral reports from the last person he met where he met people who were delivered orally from the report that he was with from the complainant (narrators) previously assumed and so on until the source The first report is the Prophet. So in essence the book of hadith is also historical information.
Even if this history book is a book that should be used as guidelines in berislam, surely God will explicitly ordered. But there was no such explicit command. Indeed there is information from God in the Quran that can be used for human ibroh Muhammad that we do not have to make the history books as a book to arbitrate or decide a case. Paragraph I will point out is related to the people of Moses and the people of Prophet Jesus in the days of the Prophet whose condition is similar to that of the Muslims today in terms of both abandoned by their prophet hundreds of years.
Verily We have sent down the Torah in it (any) guidance and light (which illuminates), a case decided by the book, even the Jews by the prophets who surrendered themselves to God, by their learned men and their pastors , because they were instructed to maintain the books of God and they become witnesses against him. Have no fear of man, (but) fear in me. And do not change my verses with a little price. He who does not judge by what Allah revealed, those are the people who disbelieve. (5:44)
Paragraph above is a picture of the people of Moses at the time of the Prophet Muhammad that have been abandoned by the Prophet Moses hundreds of years. Although it is hundreds of years by the Prophet was "their learned men 'and' their ministers" to decide cases with an additional NO Kitan Torah of Moses is another book of Hadith. The same thing happened to the people of Prophet Jesus:
And let those followers of the Gospel, to judge by what Allah hath revealed therein. Whoever does not judge by what Allah revealed, they are wicked people. (5:47)
In the above verse Prophet Jesus to the people at the time of the Prophet Muhammad, was instructed to decide the case by referring to the Biblical book of hadith Isa additional NO.
A. They only know that ghoib through revelation.
2. The Prophet received the revelation of the Quran.
3. There is no verse that explicitly states that the Prophet received revelation than those in Al-Quran.
4. History outside of the Koran that the prophet can foresee is questionable or even rejected.
In the discussion on FB and in the midst of society are often circulated the hadiths which suggests that the prophet can know things that ghoib. Including the ghoib is an event that will come, for example about kiyamat events, a list of the shohabat who will enter Paradise and the amount of his replacement, etc..
A list of shohabat is usually used by non syii as a weapon to deny the argument that all shohabat's Shiite infidels except 3. On the other hand the 12 Shiite Imams hadiths forecast also produce the successor to the Prophet that one day amounted to 12 people in a history or a total of 13 people in the history of others.
Is it true that the Prophet knew that ghoib?
Verses of the Quran follows very clearly gives to those who believe in arahann al-Quran that the Prophet ghoib NOT know that.
6:50 Say: "I did NOT say unto you, that the treasury of God is upon me, and NOT (again) I know the unseen and not (too) I tell you that I am an angel. I do not follow except what is revealed to me. Say: "Are the blind and the seeing?" Do you not think (it)?
7:188 Say: "I have no power draw benefits for myself and not (also) rejected harm unless the will of God. And except that I know the unseen, I certainly make virtue as much as possible and I will not be overwritten harm. I'm nothing but warner and a bringer of glad tidings to those who believe ".
11:31 And I am NOT telling you (that): "I have storehouses of God's sustenance and wealth, and NO I know the unseen, and not (also) I said:" Behold, I am an angel ", and not I also say to those who despised by sight: "Certainly Allah will not bring good to them." Allah knows what is in them: behold, I, then, truly, the people who dzalim .
While the events of the past and future is only known to the Prophet via revelation and it's in AL-Quran. This is clearly a statement in verse 6:50: "I do not follow except what is revealed to me". Well where is the inspired Prophet?
Say: "Who is stronger persaksiannya?" Say: "Allah. He is a witness between me and you. And this Qur'an revealed to me so I gave him a warning to you and to those who till the Qur'an (to him). Do you really bear witness that there is a god- other gods beside Allah? " Say: "I do not agree." Say: "Verily, He is God Almighty and that I am innocent of what ye associate (with Allah)". (6:19)
In the above paragraph is a sentence "And this Qur'an revealed to him that" a showing that:
A. The Prophet gave peringatah with Al-Quran and nothing else.
2. The Prophet did not accept another revelation.
In addition, related to the functions of the Quran as the Book of Instructions mankind, God IS enough to look at what's in the Koran:
It is not possible Koran was made by other than Allah: but (the Qur'an) confirming the previous scriptures and explain the laws he has set, there is no doubt in it, (derived) from the Lord of hosts. (10:37)
We told you the story of the best in the Qur'an revealed this to you, and ye before (we reveal) it is among those who do not know. (12:3)
And verily We have repeated the man in this Qur'an every kind of parable, but most people do not like except to deny (it). (17:89)
And verily We have to repeat to man in this Qur'an all kinds of metaphor. And human beings are the most widely denied. (18:54)
And We have indeed made the Qur'an is a metaphor for all kinds of human beings .... (30:58)
We have indeed made for man in this Qur'an every kind of parable that they can be a lesson. (39:27)
(And remember) the day (when) We raised in every nation a witness against them of their own, and we bring you (Muhammad) a witness against all humanity. And We sent down to thee the Book (Al Quran) to explain everything, and guidance and mercy and glad tidings to those who submit. (16:89)
After reading the verses above, I invite those who believe in the Qur'an as it exists now is to position the books inherited from the past, namely the books of Hadith and others (other than the Koran, of course) simply as a book of history which can be right and also wrong.
Perhaps you all agree with me that to know the past can be done by looking at the relics of the past both tangible archaeological objects as well as the writings of the witness to history. While the methods used by the Ahl-ul-Hadith is by writing the past information from listening to oral reports from the last person he met where he met people who were delivered orally from the report that he was with from the complainant (narrators) previously assumed and so on until the source The first report is the Prophet. So in essence the book of hadith is also historical information.
Even if this history book is a book that should be used as guidelines in berislam, surely God will explicitly ordered. But there was no such explicit command. Indeed there is information from God in the Quran that can be used for human ibroh Muhammad that we do not have to make the history books as a book to arbitrate or decide a case. Paragraph I will point out is related to the people of Moses and the people of Prophet Jesus in the days of the Prophet whose condition is similar to that of the Muslims today in terms of both abandoned by their prophet hundreds of years.
Verily We have sent down the Torah in it (any) guidance and light (which illuminates), a case decided by the book, even the Jews by the prophets who surrendered themselves to God, by their learned men and their pastors , because they were instructed to maintain the books of God and they become witnesses against him. Have no fear of man, (but) fear in me. And do not change my verses with a little price. He who does not judge by what Allah revealed, those are the people who disbelieve. (5:44)
Paragraph above is a picture of the people of Moses at the time of the Prophet Muhammad that have been abandoned by the Prophet Moses hundreds of years. Although it is hundreds of years by the Prophet was "their learned men 'and' their ministers" to decide cases with an additional NO Kitan Torah of Moses is another book of Hadith. The same thing happened to the people of Prophet Jesus:
And let those followers of the Gospel, to judge by what Allah hath revealed therein. Whoever does not judge by what Allah revealed, they are wicked people. (5:47)
In the above verse Prophet Jesus to the people at the time of the Prophet Muhammad, was instructed to decide the case by referring to the Biblical book of hadith Isa additional NO.
A. They only know that ghoib through revelation.
2. The Prophet received the revelation of the Quran.
3. There is no verse that explicitly states that the Prophet received revelation than those in Al-Quran.
4. History outside of the Koran that the prophet can foresee is questionable or even rejected.