Sep 18, 2013

Earth Life Originated from Comet Collision?

The team of researchers from the University of Kent, UK, found that comet collisions with planets and moons in the past produced mahadahsyat explosion, which creates the essential ingredients for the elements of life. Then, the material was spread throughout the solar system.According to Mark Price, space researcher at the University of Kent, the implication is the importance of the collision-producing precursor compounds that participate in the chemical reaction that produces another compound-which supports life and spread it somewhere."During this time, the comet is known to have organic compounds. And scientists have long said that the comet that helped bring the ingredients to form the beginning of life on Earth," said Price, reported by Fox News, Wednesday, September 18, 2013.This finding, Price continued, based on the results of detection of ammonia in Comet Halley compounds that contain amino acid precursor protein and basic components.Similar amino compounds has also been found in samples of comet 81P/Wild-2 collected by NASA's Stardust spacecraft."The impact of comet collisions in the entire solar system with many craters on the planet's surface. Comet collision was fast and produces very high temperatures. Was that cause chemical changes," said Price.Then, a team of researchers conducted a test firing steel projectiles that are mixed by existing materials dikomet with a speed of 16,000 miles per hour into a container containing a mixture of carbon dioxide, ammonia, and methanol, the temperature of minus 80 degrees Celsius."As a result, we created a new compound in the form of some types of amino acid and L-alanine, an important component of proteins that exist on Earth," said Price."Indeed, the results have not created life, but it was close. Thing we want to prove it is a process of creation of new molecules at the birth of the solar system a comet collision," added Price.


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