Apr 29, 2012

Karomah Versus Magic. In Reveals the Secrets Hizib, wafaq, and Science Lessons

(Some scholars have considered Java karomah, whereas the behavior and nature Fasiq never repent, just because can change the custom (make extraordinary things), but it's all done by using the magic)
Paradigm developed in the community is the emergence of the notion that anyone has the merit to display things such extraordinary could walk on water, fire and magic does not work mandraguna, then that person will get recognition from the community as a trustee or guardian and a half. Therefore, the above stanza strands merupaka a criticism leveled by Shaykh Ahmad al-Jawi Rifa'i when he saw such a phenomenon in society at that time. He saw and felt that with the advent of such assumption, then the society will be threatened aqeedah. why is that?. Because when people idolize someone and melegitimasikannya as a trustee or guardian and a half, which appears in the end it was an attempt to follow along and justify what it conveys, and if in practice there are acts or words that do not fit the religious law, then they will be every effort to find the basis and reasons for membenarkannya.oleh so he excitedly tells Muslims not to see that everything is extraordinary karomah, because it could be that they use is magic. because sihirpun can make a reasonable case to be unnatural.
Sheikh Ahmad Al Rifa'i classify the book of faith Syarihul exceptional case is to be eight:
First: The miracle is an extraordinary event given by God to the Prophet as a sign of his prophethood and aim to weaken the proof of his opponents, like the prophet Moses to divide the sea with his stick.
Second: Irhash the incredible things given to the candidate of the Prophet, as the Prophet isa As can talk while still dibuaian.
Third: Karomah the extraordinary events given to the pari Wali Allah, the Shari'a dhohirnya running and doing good and avoiding evil amar kindness.
Fourth: Maunah the help of God to the people to be able to run Awwam Worship.
Fifth: Istidraj is a great thing given to unbelievers or believers as perpetrators maksiyat penglulu (left in kemaksiyatan 0.
Sixth: Ihanah the wonderful things that are given to the heathen or the Fasiq in order to humiliate them in the eyes of Allah.
Seventh: the extraordinary magic that is given to the Gentiles and the pensyekutu God.
Eighth: Sughbadzah the trick.
See and appreciate the description of Shaykh Ahmad Rifa'i above, can be impossible to feel that people will get karomah of God if its behavior against religion. Extraordinary events that bias so istidraj, or sughbadzah ihanah magic. For karomah will only be given to the lover of God's religion well, and they do not look right but it was a gift from Allah alone. Like when Sayyidina Umar able to give instructions to his troops who were on the hill, when he was in Medina, it just happens once and not repeated. Ibn Athoillah advised us to "La Tathlubil karomah wathlubil istiqoomah." Do not look for karomah but look istiqomah
There was another one that includes Khoriqul adah, which is based on the God-given strengths of riyadhoh behavior or reading certain wird with the prescribed dose as well, science is often called; science lessons, then this knowledge can be achieved or owned by anyone, requires no special talents, anyone who meets the requirements and procedures implementing the ropes, he will get it.
There is an opinion, that science was not part of the wisdom of Sufism, although there are Sufi clerics who give science lessons, science lessons can be a prayer or a kind wird wird-hizib, asthma or a wifiqwafak (rajah, rajah of numbers or letters hijaiyyah).
Scholars who explain the science of wisdom is like; Sheikh Ali al-Bunydengan man'baul wisdom that famous book, Abi-hassan as Sirrul jalilyang Syadzili the book makes a melegenda.Wallahu nashor hizib also knows best ...... ........

expert heresy

Definition of innovation experts are those who prohibit anything that is not forbidden, diharamkanNya not forbid something, something that does not require mandatory or those who pointed something out of the case out of sharia, or what have disyariatkanNya or mandatory as opposed to the Qur'an and Hadith.

The ban, forbid, require something istinbat methodology is used (set case law), but made for those who have competence as an Imam Mujtahid.

Competencies required to be digging itself from the Qur'an and Sunnah is

a. Knowing and mastering the Arabic language deeply, because the al-Quran and As-Sunnah and conveyed Allah revealed Prophet sallallaahu 'alaihi wasallam in Arabic and balaghah fushahah high quality, broad and deep understanding, contain the law that must be accepted. I need to know and mastered not only the meaning of the language, but also sciences concerned with the Arabic language is like nahwu, sharaf, balaghah (Ma'ani, bayan and badi ').

b. Know and master the science of usul fiqh, because otherwise, how could dig up good and proper law of the Koran and Sunnah as-yet-no command over nature lafad lafad in al-Quran and As-Sunnah is that there are diverse as lafadz nash , there lafadz dlahir, there lafadz mijmal, there lafadz bayan, there lafadz muawwal, there is a common, nothing special, there are mutlaq, there are muqoyyad, there Majaz, there lafadz kinayah than lafadz nature. All of that affects each of the laws contained therein.

c. Knowing and mastering the proposition 'proposition for harmonizing aqli naqli especially in matters yaqiniyah qath'iyah.

d. Knowing that nasikh and the mansukh and find an-Nuzul asbab and asbab al-wurud, knowing that mutawatir and Munday, both in the Koran and in the as-Sunnah. Knowing that is valid and the others and know the narrator as-Sunnah.

e. Knowing that other sciences that relate to explore the legal procedures of the al-Quran and As-Sunnah

Innovation experts are those who think God Almighty has been forgotten

Prophet sallallaahu alaihi wasallam said, "Verily Allah has required several liability (innocent left), then you do not waste him, and God has given some restrictions (do sin)), then do not you break him, and God forbid something ( do sin), then do you fight about him, and God has quieted some of the signs of his love to you, He does not forget, then do not you perbincangkan him. "(History Daraquthni, dihasankan by an-Nawawi)

Innovation experts are those who ascribe partners to Allah so that Allah ta'ala cover their repentance until they leave the heretical.

From Anas r.a. said: The Messenger sallallaahu alaihi wasallam to have said: "Verily, God shut the repentance of every one of the experts, so he left the heretic heretical." (HR Thabrani)

Innovation experts are those who ascribe partners to Allah, therefore, they will be housed in hell

The Word of God Almighty, which means, "Say! My Lord has only forbidden things are not good arising from it and what is hidden and the sins and transgressions that are not true and you are associating God with something that God has not revealed the information to him and you say the (name of) Allah with something that you do not know. "(Surat al-A'raf: 32-33)

In a Hadith Qudsi, the Prophet said: "I created My servants in a manner that is straight, but then the devil came to them. Satan is then deflect them from their religion, and forbid them something on which I halalkan to them, as well as the influence that they may want to associate me with something that I did not send down the information to him. "(Reported by Muslim)

Allah Almighty says, "They make their monks and priests as gods other than Allah". (Surat at-Tawbah [9]: 31)

When the Prophet was asked related to this passage, "if they were worshiping the monks and priests so that said made them gods other than Allah?" He replied, "no", "They do not worship the monks and priests, but when the monks and minister justify anything to them, they consider it lawful, and if the monks and priests were forbidden to them something, they mengharamkannya "

In the history of the others mentioned, the Prophet said "they (the monks and priests) have been set to something that is halal haram, and justify something that is haram, then they follow it. That is the worship to them. "(History Tarmizi)

Word of the Almighty, which means,
"O ye who believe, do not forbid what God has halalkan good for you and do not transgress limits, for Allah loves not the transgressors." (Surat al-Mâ'idah [5]: 87).

"And say not of what was mentioned by a lying tongue" This is lawful and this is haram ", to invent a lie against Allah. Those who invent a lie against Allah Nor fortunate "[QS. An-Nahl: 116].

While the case out of sharia, or in the case beyond what has been disyariatkanNya or mandatory as long as not contrary to the Qur'an and the Hadith, may be done although it is never exemplified by the Prophet sallallaahu alaihi wasallam as sholawat nariyah, sholawat full moon, Ratib Al-Haddad, Maulid litany , warning the Prophet's Birthday is filled with events that do not conflict with the Qur'an and the Hadith.

It should be similar to what has been exemplified by the Prophet sallallaahu alaihi wasallam is a matter of sharia, or what have disyariatkanNya or what has been mandatory.

All things that do not conflict with the Qur'an and the Hadith is a good case.

The school of the four priests who bertalaqqi (Koran) with Sholeh Salaf, such as Imam Shafi'i ~ rahimahullah deliver

قال الشافعي رضي الله عنه - ما أحدث وخالف كتابا أو سنة أو إجماعا أو أثرا فهو البدعة الضالة, وما أحدث من الخير ولم يخالف شيئا من ذلك فهو البدعة المحمودة - (313 ص 1 حاشية إعانة الطالبين - ج)

Meaning: Imam Shafi'i ra-Everything says new (not available at time of the Prophet) and violates the guidelines of the Qur'an, Al-Hadith, Ijma '(agreed Ulama) and Atsar (Statement friend) is an innovation that heresy (bid'ah dholalah). And all the good that is new (not available at time of the Prophet) and not menyelahi these guidelines then it is a praiseworthy innovation (bid'ah or innovation mahmudah hasanah), is worth the reward. (Hasyiah Ianathuth-Thalibin-Juz 1 thing. 313)

Those who have been victims or victims of incitement ghazwul fikri (war of understanding) of the Zionist Jews that they can unwittingly fall into heresy experts because their misconceptions about innovation so that they prohibit or forbid what Allah ta'ala revealed no description of him .

It was the Jewish Zionists have turned away from the Torah. They invite people to go to hell because they have become followers of Jesus Christ.

On the Zionist Jews have been delivered in the word of the Almighty, which means
"And having come to them a Messenger from Allah confirming what is (the book) that is on them, a party of the people who were given the Book (Torah) threw the book of Allah to the rear (back) it, as if they did not know ( that it is the book of Allah) and they follow what is read by the devil-devil in the kingdom of Solomon (and they say that the Solomon's work on magic), but Solomon did not disbelieve (do not do magic), only the devil-devil who disbelieve (working magic). "(Surah Al Baqarah [2]: 101-102)

We must continue to increase vigilance against efforts ghazwul fikri (understanding of war) being waged by the Zionists Jews so that an age which is rumored by the Prophet sallallaahu alaihi wasallam

Have told us Qutayba bin Sa'id had told us of Ya'qub bin Suhail Rahman from his father from Abu Hurairah the Prophet sallallaahu 'alaihi wa Salam said: "The end does not happen until the Muslims fight the Jews and the Muslims kill them until the Jews hiding behind rocks and trees, rocks or the trees say, 'O Muslim, O servant of Allah, a Jew behind me, come and kill him,' except Gharqad tree, he is a Jewish tree. '"(Narrated by Muslim, 5203)

King Faisal bin Abdul Aziz Al Saud has expressed that they are descendants of Jews.

King Faisal bin Abdul Aziz Al Saud at that time Could not deny his family's Kindred with the Jews when he declared to the Washington Post on Sept. 17, 1969 stating:
"We, the Saudi familiy, are cousins ​​of the Jews: we entirely disagree with any Arab or Muslem Authority, the which shows any antagonism to the Jews; but we must live together with them in peace. Our country (Arabia) is the fountain head from where the first Jew sprang, and his Descendants spread out all over the world. ".

King Faisal bin Abdul Aziz Al Saud at the time did not deny his family is a Jewish family as she was saying in the Washington Post on 17 September 1969 that stated:
"We, the Saudi family, are cousins ​​of the Jews: we entirely disagree with any Arab or Muslim ruler who showed hostility to the Jews, but we must live together with them in peace. Our country (Arabia) is the initial source of the Jews and their ancestors, and then spread throughout the world "

But throughout history the ruling dynasty of Saudi Arabia, King Faisal bin Abdul Aziz has proven creed alone to avoid the ban, with no American made which is representative of the Zionist Jews as a confidant, advisor, or as a protector.

After breaking UN resolutions on Palestine and the establishment of Israel, Prince Faisal (still not a king) has urged his father to sever ties with the United States, but his insistence was rejected.
After the financial scandals of King Saud, Prince Faisal was appointed to the interim government. On 2 November 1964, he was sworn in as king after King Saud in Saudi Arabia kicked out of Greece.

King Faisal did a lot of reform as a king, such as allowing girls to school, television, and so forth. Its business is opposition from various parties because these matters are considered contrary to Islam. He feel very disappointed when Israel won the Six Day War in 1967.

In 1973, King Faisal began a program that aims to advance the Saudi Arabian military forces. On October 17, 1973, he halted oil exports of Saudi Arabia to the United States that caused oil prices in the United States soared. This is to urge the United States to push Israel out of Palestinian territory.

But the fact that "look" and then was on March 25, 1975, King Faisal was shot dead by his brother, that Faisal bin Musad. Some analysis say there is murder in the regulation of the Zionist Jews.

While the Saudi dynasty rulers today appeared to be not able to prove their creed as they are not abided by Allah Almighty. They have made America the most representative of the Zionist Jews as a confidant, adviser and protector.

The Word of God Almighty, which means,
"O ye who believe, do not take into confidence those friends who, outside of religion (pagans) they will not cease (cause) harm to you. They liked what trouble you. Have a real hatred from their mouths, and what is hidden by their hearts are bigger. We really have explained to you the verses (We), if you understand it ", (Surat Ali 'Imran, 118)

"Here you are, you like them, but they do not like you, and ye believe in all the books. If they see you, they say, "We believe", and when they are alone, they bite the conduction fingers anger mingled hatred against you. Say (unto them): "Death to you because of that anger." Verily Allah knows all hearts ". (Surah Ali Imran, 119)

"Have you not seen those who make the wrath of a people of God as a friend? The men were not from your group and not (also) from them. And they vowed to strengthen a lie, and they know ". (Surah Al Mujaadilah [58]: 14)

While the scholars in the kingdom of Saudi dynasty is very obedient to the rulers of the Saudi dynasty. They let the tyranny of the ruling Saudi dynasty, which had violated the ban.

Prophet sallallaahu 'alaihi wasallam, said: "Whoever among you, let him see kemungkaran forbidding it in his hand. if not able, let stop with the verbal, if not able to as well, let him stop with his heart. That's the least of weak faith "(Muslim 70)

Prophet sallallaahu 'alaihi wasallam said: "There will come the rulers, you know them, but you deny (their deeds), who knows (kemungkarannya) let innocent, and he who denies he has survived. But for the Ridla and follow (their pent-sin), the companions immediately interjected, What if we fight it? His answer: No! As long as they are still praying. (Reported by Muslim, 3445)

From Ibn Abbas the Prophet sallallaahu alaihi wasallam said: "Whoever chose someone to be a leader for a group, which in the group there are people who are more blessed than the people of God, then he has betrayed Allah, His Messenger and those who faith. "(Narrated by Judges)

Saudi royal dynasty rulers to impose the will of the clergy there to follow the understanding of Muhammad bin Abdul Wahhab. Even the religious education curriculum in the apartment along with a representative of American Jewish Zionists as can be seen in the writings of the http://mutiarazuhud.wordpress.com/2010/02/03/2011/02/07/muslim-bukanlah-ekstrimis/

Cleric Abdul Aziz Bin Bazz bin Abdillah the mentashhihkan book biography of Muhammad ibn Abd al-Wahhab Ulama Sheikh Ahmad ibn Hajar work of al-Butami who said that the Wahhabis are followers of cleric Muhammad ibn Abdul Wahhab
- On page 59 stated: فقامت الثورات على يد دعاة الوهابيين "then tegaklah revolution in the hands of the Wahhabi preachers"
- On page 60 stated: على أساس من الدعوة الدينية الوهابية في مكة "on the basis of the Wahhabi religious proselytizing in Mecca", يدينون بالإسلام على المذهب الوهابي, "their religion by the school of Wahhabi Islam"

Then follows the religious understanding of Muhammad, the son of Abdul Wahhab's understanding exported to the Muslim country with a label "Salafi"

Examples of products or the teaching of the scholars of the Saudi royal dynasty who were victims ghazwul fikri war (the understanding) of the Zionist Jews are like http://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=player_embedded&v=l7hDianAq7U

Prophet sallallaahu alaihi wasallam rounds have delivered the course of history until the end of time. Now we enter Mulkan Jabbriyyan round, round rulers while ignoring the will to impose the will of Allah and His Messenger.

Three previous rounds have been passed: (1) Round of An-Nubuwwah (Prophethood), and (2) Round Khilafatun 'ala Minhaj an-Nubuwwah (Caliphate that follows the system / method of Prophethood), and (3) Round Mulkan' Aadhdhon (King- king of the bite).

The third round of the thirteenth century was marked by the leadership of the Umayyad Empire Daulat, then the Rule of Bani Abbasid Empire and the last Ottoman

تكون النبوة فيكم ما شاء الله أن تكون ثم يرفعها إذا شاء أن يرفعها ثم تكون خلافة على منهاج النبوة فتكون ما شاء الله أن تكون ثم يرفعها إذا شاء الله أن يرفعها ثم تكون ملكا عاضا فيكون ما شاء الله أن يكون ثم يرفعها إذا شاء أن يرفعها ثم تكون ملكا جبريا فتكون ما شاء الله أن تكون ثم يرفعها إذا شاء أن يرفعها ثم تكون خلافة على منهاج النبوة ثم سكت (أحمد)

"You will experience during a round of Prophethood Allah wills, then follow the manhaj Prophetic caliphate round during which Allah wills, then round the Kings are biting, during which Allah wills, then half of the rulers to impose the will of Allah wills during , then you will have round the caliphate following the manhaj Prophethood, then the Prophet was silent. " (Ahmad)

In the book of Imam Muslim hadith shohih chapter on defamation and the sign of doom.

Prophet sallallaahu alaihi wasallam said: You will fight and Allah conquered Arabia, Persia and then God rebuke him, then you fight the last Roman God rebuke him, then you fight the Dajjal and Allah conquered it. Then Nafi 'said: O Jabir, we do not think the Antichrist appear until the Roman conquest. (Reported by Muslim, 5161)

Of ASID Hudhayfah bin Al Ghifari said: Messenger of Allah sallallaahu 'alaihi wa Salam approached us while we were talking about something, he asks: What are you talking about? Our answer: We talk about the apocalypse. He said: Judgment does not happen until you see ten signs before. He said the fog, the Antichrist, the beast, the rising sun from the west, falling Isa bin Maryam sallallaahu 'alaihi wa Salam, Gog and Magog, three landslides; landslides in the east, landslides and mudslides in western Arabia and the latter is fire came from Yemen led men into societies where they (Muslim 5162)

Ibn Al Musayyib said: Abu Huraira has mengkhabarkan me that the Prophet sallallaahu 'alaihi wa Salam said: It will not happen until the Day of Resurrection came out a fire from the earth of Hijaz which can illuminate the neck of a camel in Bushro. (Cities in the Sham, pent.) (Muslim 5164)

Of Ibn Umar he heard the Prophet sallallaahu 'alaihi wa Salam said while he was facing east: "Remember, here's the real slander, libel fact that the publication here of the devil horns." (Reported by Muslim, 5167)

While the book of Hadith Imam Bukhari in the chapter Shohih defamation

From Ibn 'Umar said, the Prophet sallallaahu' alaihi wasallam never prayed; O God, give us baraka in our Sham, O God, give us baraka in our Yemen. The Companions said: 'O Messenger of Allah, and also in our Nejed! 'Prophet Shallallahu'alaihiwasallam read the prayer: O God, give us baraka in our Sham, O God, give us baraka in our Yemen. The Companions said: 'O Messenger of Allah, nor in our Najd! 'And as I recall, the third time, he said; Therein appears keguncangan and slander, and there the devil horns appear (Bukhari 6565)

Information about Najd we know from the hadith

From Abu Sa'id ibn Sa'id that he had heard Abu Huraira said, the Prophet sallallaahu 'alaihi wasallam had sent horsemen to Najd country, then they can be captured and brought a man from Bani Hanifa called Tsumamah bin Utsal a figure Yamamah population (Muslim 3310)

From Ibn Umar that the Prophet sallallaahu 'alaihi wasallam had sent an army towards Najd region, while Ibn Umar including the soldiers. Then the troops are getting a lot ghanimah so that each one of them got twelve camels and camel was coupled with one another for each soldier, and the Prophet sallallaahu 'alaihi wasallam did not change the provisions of the (Muslim 3291)

From Sahl ibn Abu Umamah Hunaif Al Ansari bin Abdullah bin Abbas that had reported to him that Khalid bin Walid is dubbed with a sword in God has told him, that he was with the Prophet sallallaahu 'alaihi wasallam never met Maimunah wives of the Prophet sallallaahu' alaihi wasallam, he Khalid was his aunt and her aunt also Ibn Abbas, and then he found the lizard meat that had been burned, the shipment of your perempuanya bint Al-Harith Hufaidah of Najd, then Lizard meat is served to the Prophet sallallaahu 'alaihi wasallam. Very rarely, he served food until he was told the name of the food is served, when the Prophet sallallaahu 'alaihi wasallam was about to take the lizard meat, a woman of few women who were present said: Tell the Prophet sallallaahu' alaihi wasallam about the meat that you suguhkan! We then said, It is a monitor lizard meat, Messenger of Allah! At once the Prophet sallallaahu 'alaihi wasallam raised his hand, Khalid bin Walid said, O Messenger of Allah, whether lizard meat is forbidden? He replied: No, but in the land of my people I never met the meat, so I was reluctant (to eat). Khalid said, then I bring the meat and eat it, while Rasulullah saw me and did not forbid it. (Reported by Muslim, 3603)

Bint Al-Harith Hufaidah of Najd sister of Khalid bin Walid is dubbed with a sword in God that his father has a farm land stretching from Mecca to Taif.

Of which would cause fitnah is characterized as Dhul Khuwaishirah at Tamimi al Najdi.

Have told us Abu Al Yemeni has preached to us from Az Zuhriy Syu'aib said, has told me Abu Salamah ibn 'Abdur Rahman that Abu Sa'eed al Khudriy radliallahu' anhu said: When we're together Prophet sallallaahu 'alaihi wasallam who being handed out division (assets), comes Dhul Khuwaishirah, a man of Bani Tamim and said: O Messenger of Allah, help you to be fair. Then he said: Woe to you!. Who can do justice if I just can not do justice. Really bad and you have experienced a loss if I did not do justice. Then 'Umar said: O Messenger of Allah, allow me to chop off his neck!. He said: Leave her alone. Because he would later have friends that any one of you look down upon their prayer than prayer, fasting compared with their fasting. They read the Qur'an but not up to their throats. They come out of religion as an arrow from the target boom (game animals). (Because it is so fast that scored by an arrow), then when ditelitilah end of a dart is not found any traces, then ditelitilah arrow shaft but found nothing, and then some, ditelitilah feather dart but not found anything, it seems that such an arrow through the early dirt and blood. The characteristics of them are black men that one of the two breasts like a woman's upper arm like a piece of meat or moving. They will appear at the time of onset firqah / group. Abu Sa'id said, I testify that I heard this hadith from the Prophet sallallaahu 'alaihi wasallam, and I testify that' Ali bin Abu Talib had been fighting them and I was with him and then he ordered to look for someone who is hiding and then the person is obtained and presented until I can see it like that described characteristics of the Prophet sallallaahu 'alaihi wasallam. (Bukhari 3341)

Have told us Hannad bin As Sari had explained to us from Sa'id ibn Abul Ahwash Masruq of Nu'm Abu Abdurrahman ibn Abu Sa'eed al Khudri than he said: When Ali bin Abi Talib was in Yemen, he had sent gold is still dirty the Prophet sallallaahu 'alaihi wasallam. Then gold was divided by the Prophet sallallaahu 'alaihi wasallam to four groups. That is to Aqra `bin Al Hanzhali Out, Uyainah bin Badr Al Fazari, Alqamah Ulatsah bin Al Amiri, including Bani Zaid Al-Khair Kilab and Ath Thay and one of the Bani Nabhan. Abu Sa'eed said: The Quraysh was angered by the division. they said, Why did the leaders of the division of Najd which was given by the Prophet, and not divides us? the Prophet sallallaahu 'alaihi wasallam replied: Verily I do that so that, to persuade their hearts. Meanwhile, the men came thick beard, prominent forehead, sunken eyes, protruding forehead and head barren. He said, 'O Muhammad! You fear God! Prophet sallallaahu 'alaihi wasallam said: Who else is going up again to obey God, if I myself had disobeyed Him? God gave me peace to all inhabitants of the earth, so if you do not want to give peace to me? Abu Sa'id said: After a person is valid, then a friend (Khalid bin Al Waleed) requested permission from the Prophet sallallaahu 'alaihi wasallam to kill that person. Then the Prophet sallallaahu 'alaihi wasallam also said: From this group, will appear later on the people who are good at reading the Koran but not to pass down their throats, they even kill the Muslims, and let the heathen; them out of Islam as an arrow shot from his bow. I wish I still find them, they will kumusnahkan like the destruction of 'Ad. (Reported by Muslim, 1762)

To sum up the characteristics that give rise to defamation is as stated by the Prophet sallallaahu alayhi wasallam, which means, "will appear a people of my people who are good at reading the Koran. Where, you are not reading nothing compared to their readings. Similarly prayer you than their prayers. Also fast they are compared with fasting you. They read the Koran and they think that the Koran is (proof) for them, but it turns out that the Koran is the (disaster) upon them. Prayer they are not to cross the line the throat. They come out of Islam as an arrow shot from his bow. (Muslim 1773)

Yours respectfully

How Good People in the Eye of God?

Some things are a good sign someone is, if he left things in vain which is clearly not useful and not useful. Sebahagian of his time was filled only with things that are beneficial for the world and akhiratnya only.
The Prophet said, "Among the good of one's Islam is leaving it is not useful"

One good sign is if he always did any of his obligations, and leave things that are prohibited, as it is on the word of the Prophet: "A Muslim (good) is a hand and his tongue does not hurt anyone else" If Islam is a good person, then of course he would leave the matter which is clearly prohibited God embodied in the holy book the Koran. The majority of cases are of no benefit arises from the oral oral unattended and busy with vain words.

About the virtues of keeping the oral is explained in the following paragraph which describes the angel of the surveillance that was done by oral. "And indeed We created man and know what is prompted by his heart, and We are nearer to him than his neck vein, (ie) when the two angels record the deeds, a seat on the right and the others sat on the left. Not a word does he utter but there is also a nearby angel supervisors are always present ". (Qaf 16-18).

The Prophet said, "Among the signs of Islamic goodness someone is talking in terms of reducing useless" "Truly Allah loves three and hates three things. Case of a loved one is a little food, little sleep and little talking. While the case is hated is much talk, eat lots and lots of sleep ". "If someone leaves something useful, then busied herself with things that are useful, then the sign of Islam had been perfectly well."

Invites fellow man, especially its closest relative, the things that be good, and warn of an act which is unjust, including actions that benefit us all. And thus it is a commandment contained in the Quran, one verse reads as follows:
"And let none of you class of people who call to virtue, sent to the ma'ruf and prevent it from being evil; they're the ones who are lucky". (Ali Imran 104). Hopefully Helpful For Everybody. Amien Yarobbalalamin ....